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Gogs | 22.03.2003 23:52 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

An explanation of the raiding that occured on Thursday the 20'th of March, 2003

It's funny how none of the newspapers managed to publish anything about the 'Looting' as you call it in princes street. Let me assure you that it was not 'LOOTING' it was 'Raiding' the only items that were stolen was a pair of jeans and a hat from Levis and a dvd disc from Virgin. The incident happened when everyone had been blocked off from princes street by police, when the crowd marched in the opposite direction, the authorities ran to get to front of the crowd. I began running with my friends and around 200 people followed. We kept running until we got to a small bridge near 'Edinburgh Dungeons' that lead directly to 'princes street'. None of the people knew where to go as there were no adults or police around. I proceeded to run up the bridge to princes street - the crowd all began to follow. As soon as everyone was on princes street chaos broke loose. It doesn't matter how many old people can yell 'This is what democracy looks like!' whilst having a meaningless, sickenly controlled, peaceful protest, because what happened on thursday was something else altogether. When everyone had gotten on princes street they proceeded to charge down the street placing stickets on buses and cars, as all the police were busy with controlling the main protest. I confessed to my friends that i thought this could only end in everyone being arrested, a fight, or looting. The word seemed to spread like wildfire - the next thing i knew everyone had piled into Levis, knocking things over, then proceeded to Dixons, then proceeded to Virgin where stands filled with CD's were trashed. Although the raiding may look like a bunch of trigger-happy mindless kids trying to discredit the protest, This was more an action in defiance of Tony Blair and George Bush's (Supposed) war against terrorism than anything else.

- Gogs (15) From Edinburgh



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23.03.2003 01:30

burnin' and lootin' tonight
it's a sham democracy only fit for ransacking
The state is engaged in criminal activity blowing apart the first or next of many peoples
There's no moral argument against an uprising
Keep with it


keep it up

23.03.2003 08:30

I call it redistribution



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