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gogs | 21.03.2003 21:48 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

An Edinburgh school students account of the anti-war protests.

Tony Blair can easily ignore a news reporter saying 'people all over the world protested today' but he CAN NOT ignore tens of thousands of children WALKING straight out of school past pleading teachers without permission and marching to a protest. Anti-war protesters in France is one thing but angry teenagers all over the UK clashing with police, smashing through barricades and blocking off all the roads can not be ignored.
For us, it's victory or death!!!!.
Tony Blair thinks that teenagers are not interested in politics and accused Tommy Sheridan of manipulating school children which are not interested in Politics to miss school. Being 15 myself I would disagree with Tony Blair as it appears he has never been 15 in his life (Or is most likely too old to remember).
The day of the protest at the mound in Edinburgh the police (unable to stop children) decided to block everyone off and began getting violent.
Two minutes later we had smashed through their 30-man-strong barricade and my friend had to punch one who had raised his police baton. Police were seen pulling girls hair and knocking people to the ground, even picking fights with journalists. After we all broke through their barricade (I was 5th to ge through). Everyone charged at the opening in the Police line and the authorities were forced to scatter.
(Good work to all those friendly Protecter of the Law Police out there, you really did a good job of losing a fight against 9 school children).

A little message from me Tony 'Your too Old, Lets go, Its over'. This
isn't the 1800's anymore.

-Gogs (and his pals were there in Edinburgh on wednesday and will be today too!



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The Kids Are Alright

23.03.2003 11:28

Well, Done GOGS!

Having reached the grand old age of 24 I am reluctantly admitting I'm no longer a kid. I have been a sporadic protestor since I was 15 or so, having attended Anti-Poll tax and Anti Nazi League marches.

Never have I Seen such animated and informed activity in the nation's youth as over the last few days. On Thursday, as I spoke about school protestors with a work colleague she said "don't you think they're all just looking fo a way out of school, and don't really know what's going on?".

I say to all with this opinion: These kids aren't walking out with permission slips or immunity, they are walking out on threat of expulsions and into aggressive police lines.

And as for not knowing whats going on. On Thursday, en route to work, I saw a girl who could have been no more than 9 reading a broad sheet newspsper almost as big as her on her way to school. And at twelve I stood amongst a pitiful adult turnout in George Square and watched a couple of hundred school kids listneing to impassioned political speeches from other school kids.

If that's the future, i'll be proud to be part of it.

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The Kids Are Alright

23.03.2003 11:31

Well, Done GOGS!

Having reached the grand old age of 24 I am reluctantly admitting I'm no longer a kid. I have been a sporadic protestor since I was 15 or so, having attended Anti-Poll tax and Anti Nazi League marches.

Never have I Seen such animated and informed activity in the nation's youth as over the last few days. On Thursday, as I spoke about school protestors with a work colleague she said "don't you think they're all just looking fo a way out of school, and don't really know what's going on?".

I say to all with this opinion: These kids aren't walking out with permission slips or immunity, they are walking out on threat of expulsions and into aggressive police lines.

And as for not knowing whats going on. On Thursday, en route to work, I saw a girl who could have been no more than 9 reading a broad sheet newspsper almost as big as her on her way to school. And at twelve I stood amongst a pitiful adult turnout in George Square and watched a couple of hundred school kids listneing to impassioned political speeches from other school kids.

If that's the future, i'll be proud to be part of it.

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The Kids Are Alright

23.03.2003 11:31

Well, Done GOGS!

Having reached the grand old age of 24 I am reluctantly admitting I'm no longer a kid. I have been a sporadic protestor since I was 15 or so, having attended Anti-Poll tax and Anti Nazi League marches.

Never have I Seen such animated and informed activity in the nation's youth as over the last few days. On Thursday, as I spoke about school protestors with a work colleague she said "don't you think they're all just looking fo a way out of school, and don't really know what's going on?".

I say to all with this opinion: These kids aren't walking out with permission slips or immunity, they are walking out on threat of expulsions and into aggressive police lines.

And as for not knowing whats going on. On Thursday, en route to work, I saw a girl who could have been no more than 9 reading a broad sheet newspsper almost as big as her on her way to school. And at twelve I stood amongst a pitiful adult turnout in George Square and watched a couple of hundred school kids listneing to impassioned political speeches from other school kids.

If that's the future, i'll be proud to be part of it.

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