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Scottish anti-war press coverage

whatever | 21.03.2003 12:49 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia

coverage of anti-war protests in Scotland by press.

Alternative press review on anti-war protests coverage in Scotland

The Herald:

Scotland's five biggest cities all witnessed major demonstrations.

Scotland's five biggest cities all saw demonstrations. Traffic was brought to a standstill in Glasgow city centre for several hours as around 3000 protesters gathered at George Square and surrounding streets.
An American flag was burned and two men were detained after they threw a bucket of red paint filled with plastic babies at the office of an army recruitment office.
Protesters also blocked rush-hour traffic trying to join the M8 at one of its busiest junctions. Around 200 people stopped cars getting on or off the motorway at Charing Cross, just north of the Kingston bridge.
Angry motorists were involved in furious arguments with some of the demonstrators, and police had to step in to quell tensions.

A police helicopter was deployed last night to check on the movements of the protesters who dispersed to different areas of the city.

In Dundee, school students hurled stones at buses, and eggs were thrown at police lines at the city chambers. Hundreds of schoolchildren stopped traffic on the Tay Road bridge when they held a sit-down protest against the war.
In Aberdeen, protesters forced rush-hour traffic to grind to a halt as they lay down in the middle of Union Street. The main thoroughfare came to a standstill as hundreds of people spilled on to the road to support the lie-down.
Demonstrations also took place in Lerwick and Inverness, and a number of medical staff at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary staged a protest.
In Scotland, a political row broke out after officials at West Dunbartonshire Council defended its decision to let some of its staff participate in yesterday's protests.

read more:
summary Scottish report global peace protest Same article with more or less the same content:
The Edinburgh Evening News

From the Guardian:
In Scotland, Stirling University closed to allow staff and students to take part in a rally. Students and children also protested in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness and in the Shetland capital of Lerwick.

Nothing else from the BBC either: BBC: Scotland pictures Edinburgh picture



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Peeblesshire news

23.03.2003 00:44

from Peebleshire news Friday 21, 2002:

covering Thursdays protests:

'Silent Vigils were organsised yesterday in Peebles, Innerleuthen, walkerburn, Galashiels and Earlston.

The Peebles youngsters chose to carry peace banners and chant anti-war solgans instead of studying towards their forthcoming end-of-turn exams.'


peebels schoolchildren protest war

02.04.2003 11:07

the schoolchildren of peebles and the rest of the world have every right to express their opinions on this subject and any other "right to protest" matters they are our future. i find it encouraging people so young are standing up for thier rights. stop the war. stop usa/uk occupation.



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