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Edinburgh anti-war demo March 6th

A. Black | 07.03.2003 11:36

7-10 000 marched through Edinburgh to the Scottish Parliament on the evening of Thursday 6th March to hear speakers condemn the war including Tommy Sheridan, George Galloway and a mobile phone link up with Palestinian activists in Ramallah. Pictures at the link above.

Edinburgh anti-war demo March 6th
Edinburgh anti-war demo March 6th

7-10 000 marched through Edinburgh to the Scottish Parliament on the evening of Thursday 6th March to hear speakers condemn the war including Tommy Sheridan, George Galloway and a mobile phone link up with Palestinian activists in Ramallah. Pictures at the link above.

A. Black
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And it would've been more...

07.03.2003 12:10

...if it hadn't been during normal office hours. Some of us have to work!



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