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Edinburgh Anti-War demo bigger as ever

ab | 06.03.2003 19:36

Today, there was an anti-war demonstration in Edinburgh.
The size of the demo was bigger as the last ones, at least about 3000 people or more turned up to walk from the two meeting points- either the fron tof the American embassy or Bristo Square at University to the Scottish Parliament.

Basically two marches started, and each of the two marches were bigger than any other anti-war demo of the last years.
Many people were present who were never on a march before, and even Lothian Buses announced at all its busstops and its buses that there will be delays and alternative routes and that the event would be "out of their control".
However, the demo took place as planned and then as police tried to push people of the street into the dead end in front of the parliament, as usual, to enable trafiic to pass, they had to realise, that despite of their horses pushing the crowd into this space, it was not really possible, as there were just too many people.
Speeches were boring as usual and many participants of the demo were happy for the jugglers and drummers to entertain them, or left earlier.
There were sone puppets and many diy banners, and people from all political persuasions present.



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sabotage the war effort

07.03.2003 19:29

While the above march in Edinburgh took place, on the other side of the castle, a high pressure fire hose was set off in a government building: the large 60's style Argle House. The water flooded down through several of the porous concrete floors, disabling computers and lights, slowing down the war machince that government has become.
The building contains the Crown office and sections of the Department for Work and Pensions, which is beefing up it's role to enforce work discipline as the Benifits Agency and Employment service have combine to form a more agressive JobCentre Plus, to help ensure more fodder for the war economy.

In the run up to possible war many means are being used to sabotage the war effort. Each action inspiring others stoping business as usual. As the powers that be turn up the heat so shall we. Watch them take an inch and see us take a mile.


Are Ferrero Rocher technically WMD's?

21.04.2003 13:38

The US Consulate on Regent Terrace was one of the two start points for today's march on the Scottish Parliament. Artist Against The War Scotland's Gary Dunion kicked off proceedings by marching up to the consulate's protective roadblock at ten past four, dressed in a cardboard flak jacket and an UNMOVIC cap, and demanding to examine the United States' weapons of mass destruction.

Sadly, the consulate was out. All of them. And the police didn't seem up for letting Gaz in to look for a spare key in the back garden. So, just like a frustrated postie with a bulging package, Gary left a wee note; just to remind them to rearrange their weapons inspection for a time more convenient to them.

Brandishing a loudhailer and flanked by an armoured Keith Prince and two AATWS heavies in white hooded coveralls, our man proceeded to read his grounds for inspection to an assembled crowd of at least a thousand. His concluding call for "the liberation of the American people" was all but drowned out by cheers.

Many thanks go out to the good people at Scotland Today for covering the 'happening', as I believe theatre students call it, on the teatime bulletin. Other reports of AATWS's activities and teh full text of Gary's 'Weapons Inspection Notice' are on the website at

Gary Dunion, AATWS
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