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Labour ban glasgow rally

stuart clarke | 06.02.2003 12:09

labor leaders force the secc centre in glasgow to ban anti war demo from access to power supplies for speakers.

the labour party leaders have twisted the arm of the SECC CONFERENCE CENTRE so they have decided not to allow access to power supplies or a platform inside the grounds for the speakers at the rally .There excuse is that it will disturb
visitors to the thomas the tank engine rally,more likely it will drown out the drivel from bliar.
I urge everyone to contact there local labour group to voice concerns and email the secc at

stuart clarke


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06.02.2003 12:38

beter get onto the local party scene to organise some generators then...

no class

Where there's a will.............

06.02.2003 16:16

Ever heard of a megaphone?

Loud Speaker

go portable

06.02.2003 22:01

you can get a portable really loud megaphone from CPC electrical wholesale - not sure about where else stocks it product code LS0119166
- 45watts output (as opposed to 15/20 watts of usual megaphones) & 124 decibels - should be heard for half a mile or so
- get a 12v portable power supply for it -
eg product code CP0219966
- total cost around £130 & it's there for loads of future events as well
& instead of a platform get a stepladder or two so folks can be seen above crowd

Hope this helps



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