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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Glasgow, Scotland, Halloween demo

lau | 31.10.2002 22:27 | Anti-militarism

video clip of Glasgow's halloween demo

Many different people, one aim: stop this war!



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Video files not streaming

01.11.2002 00:17

Has there ever been a video file that successfully streamed from the UK Indymedia site? Not to my knowledge over the past 18 months. It is clear that UK Indymedia does not have the technical capacity/resources to faciliate this form of multimedia video news. So why persist in pretending that it can? Why waste people's time encouraging them to upload large video files that will never be streamed or viewed? It does, after all, take a long time to upload these large vidoeo files, especially broadband optimised files. It is extremely exasperating to have to have to go through this process only to be faced with a Newswire web-page in which the streaming video links don't work. Why not just tell people to upload them to another Indymedia site that DOES have the resources to handle streaming video and add a link to a UK Indymedia web-page like I have had to do on every occasion so far?

This is NOT intended as an attack on the heroic UK indyemdia volunteer workers. It is simply a plea for a more honest/realistic, and less time-wasting, approach to the limitations of the UK Indymedia site.



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