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15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

anarchobabe | 20.10.2002 15:10 | Anti-militarism

Here is the second part of the antiwar demonstration which took place yesterday in Glasgow, Scotland. (article 1)

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow
15000 at Peace Demo in Glasgow

Here are some pictures of groups involved in the protest, which was mainly organised by CND and SSP.
There were lots of groups present, like the SNP, and Palestine Support Groups, also I saw a banner of the Green Party and there were some Anarchists, too.
A small samba band was playing, too, and a bagpiper.



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20.10.2002 15:37

More pictures at German IMC:

See also red splatts on army recruitment service:

I have now spent hours trying to upload files with various outcome. As I have got a bad cold I go now to bed with a lemsip and will just not care anymore if anything else disappears.


I dont think this was reported on England TV

21.10.2002 13:53

As far as I know, this event never happened according to English news reports (down in London, at least).



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