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30 arrests so far as Faslane Nuke Base is Blockaded

No Nukes | 11.02.2002 11:14 | Repression

The three day Big Blockade (Block and Roll!) of Faslane Trident nuclear submarine base has begun early today , all 4 main gates are blocked and there have been about 30 arrests so far.

Scottish Socialist MSP Tommy Sheridan and Scottish National Party MSP Lloyd Quinan have been removed from the blockade already, dunno if they got arrested but assume so.

Last October Sheridan along with Caroline Lucas MEP were among almost 400 people arrested for blockading the base in what was Scotland's largest anti-nuke demo since the 60's


Info on Big Blockade 2002

Reports from recent Plymouth anti-nuke sub protests

Clergy to join Big Blockade of Faslane base


Reports + Pictures

Faslane arrests shameful (report + pics)

More pics

100+ Arrests at Scottish Nuclear Submarine Base.

Arrests at Faslane protest against Trident submarines


Scottish Law Lords ruling on illegality of Tridents
Sun March 25th 2001

On Friday 30th March, at 10 am three Law Lords in the High Court in Edinburgh are to deliver a historic ruling on the illegality of the British Trident nuclear weapons system and on the right of citizens to break the law in order to prevent the State from committing war-crimes.

No Nukes


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