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Glasgow protest

natalie | 13.10.2001 13:37

5000 people march peacefully through Glasgow

Yippee! I got my voice heard at last (so did about 5000 other people protesting against the war in George Square, Glasgow, today).



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Welfare not Warfare

13.10.2001 16:33

I have just returned from the biggest ever, peaceful demonstration in London. Thousands marched from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square, every nationality, age-group and class were represented there. It was most heartening to know others care enough to protest this illegal war. I must point out the police were there in large numbers but maintained a non-provocative stance, even they could not fail to hear the anti-imperialist message the democratic or anarchic people of this city voiced in unity today.


broad support for Peace message…

14.10.2001 09:35

Right On for Peace…



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