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Eleven arrests as protest over GM rocks Highlands

Igor | 01.09.2001 18:01 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Repression

Campaigners lie down in front of tractor But GM planting goes ahead on the Black Isle, North Scotland...

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gm crops

03.09.2001 23:42

this is appalling. we should all be trampling over this stuff. this is the leading edge of an agenda to impose an agenda over us all. people who oppose this stuff must be supported tho they are in distant parts of this sceptic isle. how do we organise around this stuff - without being transported to iceland?

dwight heet

gm crops

04.09.2001 00:08

c'mon these monsanto bastards have already got aspatame all over the place- which is a neurotoxin - diet stuff indeed - and now get concerned citizens arrested for their sick behaviour. time for an uprising methinks. dont touch anything that says sugar free!

dwight heet

GM warriors right on!

29.09.2001 21:20

well done you guys - you are taking action while the rest of us just try to avoid the stuff in sainsbuy's and think we're doing our bit.
All power to your elbow
Lots of Love



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