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Genoa Solidarity Edinburgh?

Dave | 25.07.2001 10:18

Any solidarity demonstrations in Edinburgh?

Are there any protest planned in Edinburgh against the Italian government?
There is an Italian consulat here, which could be visited..
If there are people from Edinburgh reading this, how about going there tonight at 8pm?



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25.07.2001 16:57

What about Newcastle is there out planned for the consulant here?? How about this saturday?


Well, Saturday then?

25.07.2001 17:11

OK, since no one answered today, let's be less ambitious:
How about organizing something for Saturday?
That surely must be possible?


Consulate Pickets in Edinburgh

25.07.2001 21:04

There was a 30 strong picket of Italian consulate in Edinburgh from 11.30 am for an hour or so, on Wednesday 25th July. Attention was placed on the police brutality in Genoa.
A poem in Italian was pinned to it's door.

There will be more pickets of this consulate in coming days, calling for the freeing of all our comrades held by the Italian authorities.

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