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Fury at pro-GM school magazines

Sunday Herald | 16.04.2001 13:16 | Bio-technology | Education

MORE than 140,000 glossy brochures sponsored
by the US corporate giants of genetic modification
such as Monsanto are being pushed into Scotland's
schools by Scottish Enterprise, with the
enthusiastic backing of the schools watchdog HM
Inspectorate of Education.

Sunday Herald
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School Daze

16.04.2001 17:06

We have Walker's crisps and Pepsi Cola using our schools as a forum for free advertising in the classroom, but this is the last genetically modified straw. GM pollen could cross-contaminate wild species and cause an ecological disaster, has BSE and CJD, taught them nothing?



17.04.2001 16:19

Scottish Enterprise is the main economic development agency for Scotland covering 93% of the population from Grampian to the Borders. The Scottish Enterprise Network consists of Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companies. Working in partnership with the private and public sectors the Network aims to build more and better businesses, to develop the skills and knowledge of Scottish people, and to encourage innovation to make Scottish business internationally competitive. The Scottish Enterprise Network
Strategy has set four main goals for the Scottish economy, including helping Scotland to develop and foster innovative, farsighted organisations.

Further information on Scottish Enterprise and LIS is available on our website:

Peter Lennox, Network Director – Biotechnology, at Scottish Enterprise "It is imperative that our future scientists carry on the outstanding research and development work which the Scottish Biotechnology industry has been working on over the past 20 years.

"Already our Biotechnology industry is world famous for Dolly the Sheep. We have many other leading lights who need enthusiastic and well informed young people to bring their talents to the industry in order to both maintain and increase that momentum through the 21st century."

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18.04.2001 11:19

The issue being here not just the proliferation of GM propaganda but the willingness to allow corporate bully-boys into the classroom. The american school system has example after example of this happening, damaging the curriculum by giving preferential treatment to brand-zealots like Pepsi or McDonalds, preferential treatment not only to the advertising but also the corporate propaganda spewed to keep the kids in check. If they don't, the sponsors pull out. For the most part, barring tory-led CTCs or cheap advertising-filled rough books (in year 11 I had a Channel 5 excersise book, with garing colours and "hip, young" characters pasted across the middle. yuk) we've escaped their influence. They'd be idiots to follow in the americans footsteps.

So it seems, they're idiots.

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An extreme example :O

18.04.2001 19:24

along similiar lines, this is from Schnews 296:

CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEK For refusing to watch TV! Two teenagers from Ohio were locked up in a local
juvenile detention centre for truancy after walking out of their classrooms in protest against the compulsory viewing of Channel One. Channel One is an in-school broadcaster, showing a daily compulsory 12 minute current affairs programme with two minutes of adverts targeted at children. In return the schools get no cash, but can use the equipment in other lessons. Channel One is raking it in charging advertisers twice as much as regular TV stations as they can guarantee viewers with no channel hopping or off button. Channel One spreads the corporate TV bullshit more sneakily by enlisting teachers to develop lessons for such socially useful teaching as designing new Pepsi vending machines and Burger King adverts. Commercial Alert and Obligation, Inc., two national anti-media groups, have taken up the kids' cause, saying "When the government sends children to a juvenile detention centre because they don't want to watch advertising, that is both Orwellian and more than a little sick. The public schools ought to be a sanctuary from the noxious aspects of commercial culture."

Genoseize Therat
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