- In 1992 (i.e., after Gulf War 1) "...Newsweek made an even more shocking announcement: …CFS patients who had the same immune system deficiencies as the NON-HIV AIDS cases..."
- Dr. Judy Mikovits stated on In Short Order (11/12) about CFS & Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME): "…consider this as NON HIV AIDS."
- Neenyah Ostrom's book "America's Biggest Cover-up: 50 More Things...CFS & Its Link To AIDS" cites: "Some CFS Patients May Be Non-HIV AIDS Cases."
My case goes up through the NIH, CDC, White House, WHO, to the UN. I testified federally in Washington-DC, and am published 24 times on 4 continents (including PEOPLE’S VOICE, FROM THE TRENCHES WORLD REPORT, REALNEWS24, PFLAG, & FUSE MAGAZINE).
E.g., www.ukprogressive.co.uk/the-aids-like-disease-seldom-mentioned/article20891.html
I hope that you’ll spread-the-news too (e.g., post on Facebook/Twitter, write story, add to e*News).
In the fight for humanity,
Everything about NON HIV AIDS (including my federal testimony):
Or simply google "NON HIV AIDS"