The greatest terrorist known to the Christian world is the Anti-Christ—he represents all the fear mongering any religion could possibly create. Yet he has been sighted many times over the millennia. As a re-occurring myth that seems to reincarnate itself over various western inspired national struggles, he represents the worst fear in Hobbes’ Leviathan.
Ever since the axis of newsmedia, government and American naivete succumbed to the improbable story of highjackers commandeering huge airliners, which they were not trained to fly, with mere box cutters no doubt, Osama bin Laden has become the greatest threat to the United States of Feeblemindedness. So great is his cunning prowess that he threatens the gigantism of the American pentagon and White House cabinetry, as tax-holic corruption galore, from bat caves thousands of miles away. Only a devil could be so wily.
But given conflicting descriptions of this prior U.S. intelligence asset, that our CIA colluded with to fight Russians in Afghanistan, it is hard to determine his motives and culpability. One thing we do know is that he, and the Taliban, closed off the heroin/poppy trade there to a mere trickle—that is before the U.S. 2001 invasion re-awoken it and the drug cartel activity to record levels. Apparently one of his evil attitudes is that he doesn’t support drug cartels or their profit motive.
Furthermore, supposedly according to mainstream media reports, which therefore, unfortunately, equate to potentially deliberate disinformation, he swore to the killing of Jews and American infidels. Well naturally anyone who is against Jews, especially the state of Israel as it currently practices its apartheid statism, or is against western militarism and oil/gas profit stealing, that claim to be Christian, has to be an Anti-Christs, or so made out to have such a terrorist nature—that he alone can justify unjustifiable levels of military spending and deaths of human life.
After all we are talking heaven and hell here. And after all only a truly just and magnanimous God would condemn a soul to eternal torture in hell, with devils left in control, and no chance of redemption. Isn’t that why the prisoners of gulag Gitmo need to be shipped off elsewhere—so there tribulations are not brought out to the light—to keep such things as Cheney’s dark side dark? Is that not why the monarchical White House of the United States can imprison suspects on mere suspicion and keep them eternally locked up—after all the Christian God can imprison and torture—why cannot the personnel at the pentagon and intelligence apparatchik do it?
If fighting terrorism with terrorism makes sense, then what about the fact that the United States government has decided that it will not change the status quo of growing poppy plants in Afghanistan but still thinks it has the wherewithal of implementing a democratic nation and institutions there? How much sense does that make?
With all the satellites and drone airplanes still the U.S. and the media can’t report any clues on which mafias and personnel are exporting heroin abroad? What are we naïve Americans suppose to think—especially since some of these people currently in power, or in influence, worked the Contra-gate scandal program so well selling arms to Iran and drugs for their illegal operations in Central America?
Apparently the British empire was able to maintain its domination in Asia and Central Asia because of its participation in the heroin trade back when it was the hegemon. They even went to war with China because China wanted the importation of poppy and heroin to be illegal. What is an empire suppose to do?
It would be so far fetched had there not already been rumors afloat that planes carrying men or prisoners on way, such a private contractors, were carrying drugs the other. Seems like it time for a reality check. Should the people of he United States allow its corrupt government and war addicted congress and pentagon to destroy this nation’s fiscal capacity because it is too corrupt to fight its own criminal tendencies? Or should we see Osama bin Laden everywhere?
“The most drastic, and usually the most effective remedy for fear is direct action” William Burnham