In support of the ongoing campaign in Oxford (see www.speakcampaigns.org.uk )we are making public the home addresses of 40 people who work in important positions at Oxford University. The campaign in Newchurch showed the amazing results that can be obtained by intense Direct Action. Its time to introduce Oxford University to this kind of treatment.
If you can't physically get to Oxford you can still send these people letters or ring them up at home and work. Whilst that may sound tame don't underestimate the psychological effect it can have if done repeatedly. Every action counts, no matter how small it may seem. Phone calls and letters can of course be done from anywhere in the world so even activists outside the UK can contribute to the demise of the Oxford lab.
All the people on this list are legitimate targets for however much force you feel comfortable using. We are called terrorists even if we just hold placards and give out leaflets. Activists who commit minor acts of vandalism are given heavy prison sentences. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by hitting these targets hard.
If Oxford University cares at all about the safety of their staff then they need to cease all work on the new animal lab, cancel the entire project and announce this in a press release. If they do not do this then they are putting all their staff at serious risk. The choice is theirs.
Please distribute this information as widely as possible. Use it and spread it. More will be released in due course. ALF
The following three people are from the department of Physiology. They are all active spokespeople for the new lab and for vivisection in general. They spend a lot of time spreading propaganda through the press about how happy and well treated lab animals are and how vivisection is vital to cure diseases. Basically they are professional liars for the vivisection industry.
Professor John F. Stein
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 272552
Professor Colin B. Blakemore
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 272470
Professor Tipu Z. Aziz
[home address removed]
The following people are from the department of Experimental Psychology. This is the department responsible for the bulk of the vivisection at the university. The first man on the list, Edmund Rolls, is the man who was 'investigated' by the police for cruelty to a primate. According to an insider at the university, the monkey was dying slowly and painfully but Professor Rolls refused to allow any veterinary treatment as it would interfere with his experiment. Thames Valley police decided not to do anything about this and Rolls is still torturing monkeys at Oxford University today. The rest of the people are all active vivisector scum too and should be dealt with severely.
Professor Edmund T. Rolls
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271348
Professor Oliver J. Braddick (Head of Department)
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx / 01865 xxxxxx
Professor D. Alan Allport
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxxx
Dr. Paul J. Azzopardi
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271415
Mobile: 07714 xxxxx
Professor Dorothy V. M. B. Bishop
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271369
Professor Peter E. Bryant
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271377
Professor John J. Campbell
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271328
Professor Gordon S. Claridge
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271316
Professor Alan Cowey
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271352
Dr. Ann D. Dowker
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271407
Dr. David Gaffan
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271349
Dr. Allison G. Harvey
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271357
Dr. G. Bruce Henning
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271320
Professor Miles R. C. Hewstone
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271317
Professor Susan D. Iversen
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271392
Dr. Mansur G. Lalljee
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 727869
Work Telephone: 01865 271335
Dr. Peter D. McLeod
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271389
Dr. Jane H. V. Mellanby
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271422
Dr. Susanna Miller
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271385
Dr. Kate A. Nation
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271366
Dr. Anna C. de O. Nobre
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271388
Dr. Katherine R. "Kathy" Parkes
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271401
Professor Richard E. "Dick" Passingham
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271418
Dr. David A. Popplewell
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271406
Professor J. Nicholas P. Rawlins
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271424
Professor Brian J. Rogers
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271368 / 271309
Dr. Charles J. Spence
[home address removed]
Work Telephone: 01865 271364
Dr. Michel Treisman
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Work Telephone: 01865 271367
The following people are not directly involved in vivisection but are major players at Oxford University and are certainly in a position to influence decision making. The first man on the list, David Holmes, is particularly powerful. If these people come to the opinion that building a new torture lab in Oxford is not worth the consequences then its far less likely to get built.
Registrar of the University
David R. Holmes
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
[home address removed]
Dr. William D. "Bill" Macmillan
[home address removed]
Professor Paul A. Slack
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Secretary of Faculties and Academic Registrar
Anthony P. Weale
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Head of Life and Environmental Sciences
Professor Nigel J. Thrift
[home address removed]
Head of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Professor David C. Clary
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01223 xxxxx
Head of Medical Sciences
Dr. Kenneth A. "Ken" Fleming
[home address removed]
Home Telephone: 01865 xxxxx
Head of Social Sciences
Donald A. Hay
[home address removed]
Head of Director of the Department for Continuing Education
Dr. Geoffrey P. Thomas
[home address removed]
Finally we come to the various jokers who are supposed to be protecting the people above, the building site and the University in general. They seem to think they're some kind of elite James Bond spook types. Actually they're just pricks. It isn't worth targeting individual people here or spending much effort on them as they aren't all that important. But if you feel like laughing at them they can be contacted and ridiculed using the following details.
Tel: 01432 890 592
Fax: 01432 890 638

Oxford University Security Service
The Observatory, South Parks Road, OX1 3RQ
Control Room: 01865 272944
Head of Dept, R.G. Hartley: 01865 272940
Crime Reduction Officer, R.N. Stewart: 01865 272945"