Read that last line about parliament on the Bonfire Party item.
But is it really independant and is it answerable to any of us:
Lost (censored) posts - the truth?
21.10.2005 08:36
present GP voter - you will see at the bottom of the "Art of War - Katrina" thread a post from feeler, similar to the one above. feeler, presumably Oxford feeler, put up a separate thread on the topic, innocuous in my view (and the view of others who posted support) which was then removed. (S)he then posted several times more, all of which have been removed and are not even in the archives.
This is Indymedia at its worst - no accountability or real justification for decisions to remove posts. In the past "they" in control of IM have removed posts saying they contravene Editorial Guidelines, but never saying which guidelines they contravene.
I have been tracking IM for over 18 mths, and in general it gives a good "alternative" service to mainstream media, sparking many interesting comments.
However, the people running IM lose credibility by not being open over the censoring process that routinely happens. We occasionally see people protest on IM about lost threads/posts (G8 was the last time I remember seeing, fleetingly, complaints), but have no way of knowing really how many are being removed, or for what reasons.
It will be really interesting to see how long this post (or thread) stays up for. IM editors, I'm starting the watch now - I invite you to respond positively this time, not just remove and hide.
Hide the following 5 comments
This is non-news
21.10.2005 12:55
"Non-news : posts which are clearly purely comment, opinion or rants unrelated to a recent event or action etc."
Every web site has an editorial policy. Indymedia is very up front about theirs.
If you don't like Indymedias' policy, then go start your own site. Anything you remove from YOUR front page (BNP, scat porn, etc.), that'll be "censorship" too, right? No. That would just be publishing what you want to publish on your own site. The BNP can then publish what they want to on theirs, and so on.
Simple really.
Nothing is deleted... but some stuff is hidden...
21.10.2005 13:05
And if you want to discuss this stuff use the imc-uk-features list:
This is how things have worked for ages...
indy admin
This post is innacurate...
21.10.2005 14:13
Yes you do, every hidden post is reported to the imc-uk-features list, which has open archives, so if you want to read about what has been hidden this month go here:
And look for emails with the word hidden in their subject line. If you want to debate about any particular post then feel free to email the list -- it is open to non-members to post to it...
Also if you want to browse the newswire and see *all* posts including the hidden ones then simply go to the Editorial Guidelines:
And then follow the link from there to the Vew All Posts page:
Thank You
21.10.2005 17:42
There are quite a lot to go through, but I found pages for the correct date. According to 'Art of War:Katrina' the date was 21-9 05.
I have checked pages for 20th to 23rd inc and cannot find it. Pages 2534 - 2538.
It was called something like, 'I have found the answer?'
Could it be you have put in the hidden version of the hidden files?
Try a search on the site
21.10.2005 18:50
so remind us what the fucking fuss is actually about please........
btw its a crap image and it certainly aint news