Lynton knows the media and more importantly the people better than the out of touch Phoney, Spin Ali and Fishmouth Milbum.
Hit and run all the way till May the 5th.
One thing after another, week after week.
The Primal Fears.
Immigration, Aids, Travellers, Hospitals, Abortion, The Police, Top Up fees, Council Tax, Form Filling, Waste. Squandering the taxpayer’s money.
And back around, again and again.
That’s before Lynton even gets going on The War and Fox Hunting.
He will get The Conservative core voters out (who are at present frothing at the mouth) and subvert to his camp the disillusioned Labour supporters or keep them at home. Who would vote for a clown like Phoney, anyway?
Its not hard for a adroit media strategist like Lynton to suss out and defeat a Media based Government, especially one as incompetent as Phoney’s.
Therefore, Brown has decided that if he can’t take over now (Phoney broke another promise last week when he was scheduled to have a heart attack) and postpone the election it is better for Labour to lose than to have a Public School Fascist like Phoney going on to destroy the Welfare State and making Labour unelectable for decades.
Phoney has a Public School detestation of anyone on the Dole or using The Welfare State.
He thinks that the only people that should be on the Dole are Big Companies. Like Haliburton is in The US.
A Welfare State for Big Business on the taxpayer is his lifetime dream.
Money, Money. Money. Change, Change, Change. There must be something wrong.
Wash, Wash, Wash. How mad is this Clown.
His teachers at Public School said that Phoney’s ideas of reform and changing the rules were nothing more than a psychotic reaction to sexual abuse in his childhood.
Incidentally, Lynton began to track down the ugly but persistent Islington rumour of Phoney’s paedophilia after Phoney went Bright Red when asked about sex by a young Leeds girl who was visiting Downing Street.
I suppose most reasonable people would think and it must be right that anyone who could slaughter 50,000 defenceless children in Iraq would be well capable of abusing children in Islington.