FINLAND – A population just over five million [

/1/ Finland has got a population of 5,214,512 per 338,145 sq km, which equals 15,42 persons per sq km, where as in Russia we get (143,782,338 people in 17,075,200 sq km) 8,42 persons per sq km, and in Sweden this would be 8,986,400 (July 2004 est.) people in 449,964 sq km equaling 19,97 persons per sq km.
In this extent Russia would be the best place to live, however the circumstances are a bit more complex.
If we compare the %-difference in size between Sweden and Finland we get -24,85% i.e. Finland is rougly speaking 25% smaller to Sweden. According to this observation we should have a population of 6,7 million in stead of 5,2. Same comparation between Russia and Finland in size says we are (338,145-17,075,200)/17,075,200 -98,02% of Russia size resulting a population of 2,85 million inhabitants.
This explains by far Finnish policy towards other nations; Russia is being afraid because of its city population and land area size, were Sweden is supported as a ruling model due to similarities in population and city size.
Because of the population size and small city population Sweden and Finland has become an isider society, were is no competition in ruling; small population amount as a nation leads to decition making were decitions are being made few people related to each other. Small area size nations are doomed to die, since their population gets related and they can not support normal ruling methods were bigger populations intend to brake down into new nations or civil wars.
Due to these circumstances I can not see any future for Finland, because our decition making is mislead by small amount of people, who are being supported politically by Sweden and Russia. Sweden is supporting Finland as a socialist nation, were Russia supports Finland by acting an important role of an enemy.
The best thing to balance Finland's insider agreements would be to concer this nation and replace its civil officials. In this way there would be make at least some other insider circle in decitionmaking.
Finns double cross each others until other people make dections for them. Thus I do not belive to this small nation or the buble it has make out of itself.
In inside circe you brake the Law Code without being punished. This circle rules both in government and private sector. And for the same reason I believe every man is entitled to protect his property, family and business by carrying a gun and using all necessary things to fight against these people.
Too high patriotism has served only the needs of these people. Not the needs of Justice and Code of Law. This small insider's nation has been giving a false image to everyone of what is really going on here.
For this reason I also see, with whom I am seen with.

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