FINLAND – Few days ago I wrote an article criticising Sweden for starting registering people who government officials think, that may be a possible threat to government representatives.
I think government people lack of general understanding and these people can not handle the fact how government works from the individual's point of view. It must be one of the few explanations telling us, how-come these people's decisions are so poor, and why their decisions are so marvellous school book examples of a incorrect conduction.
I give you an other example, so you understand what I mean by having said 'lack of general understanding'; few days ago one of our west coast city, Vaasa, published a news article, were they proudly told, that they are going to gather finger prints from poor people, so these people could commit their businesses by using fingerprints.
How sick human being and a decision maker one has to be even to get such an idea to suggest this kind of an sick idea? And Finland is full of such an examples... Like I told You in my previous article, for example Valkeakoski mayor closed my Internet connection in to 1990's, while I was seeking help to a decease Fins were not able to or willing trace in Finland. By the way, the person, who made the decision of closing my Internet account in Valkeaskoski was also a lawyer, besides the city mayor. I think it reveals everything to normal people. Or what kind of Police Commissioner allows some passer by access and steal your private property (like Valkeakoski Police Commissioner Mikael Rekola)? All these are real and true examples happened in Finland. How sick can a human being be or become to commit any such act? And all because there are undereducated underqualified lawyers, policemen and academically educated people generally speaking keeping and maintaing power. These people have not or are not able to make the difference.
In my previous published critizism I also pointed out, why I do not believe to these government organizations (Security Police, Police, Lawyers and some other academically educated scholars); it is simply because government officials are themselves causing these violent acts. They commit actions against the law and against State's citizen without getting caught or being punished. What makes these people think, that it is allowed for them to beath us a person or steal his property? And these people do not stop without violence. These are the facts in Finland.
If one digs up the dirt on Finnish Government Security Police, and what these cops have done to Finnish citzen, or what their fellow academical doctors have done to human beings, then I am positive, that no one wants to live in Finland without having a gun. Specially not after January 1 2004, when the Police and Enforcement Acts changed in a way, that Finnish Police is able to stop anyone on the street and conduct him a physical search, commit a house search without a warrant, commit hearings during the night-time, and conduct illegal tapping including your own house. I do think, that after January 1st 2004 there are no human right cases in Finland any more, because police collects case evidences against themselves from people by committing these 'legally allowed house searhces'. While committing these acts they confiscape all material against police, lawyer or any government official.
When people with no or little education, like members of police force or lawyers are, have too much influence. I think we are allowed to talk about well camouflaged dictatorship. This is the case in Finland. However those not suffering from it, denies it existing or close their eyes from it, because it means more income and money to those not against government officials committing crimes. Finns know how to take the maliciouos sick pleasure from someone's sufferings - as jealous and sick people as some of them are.
What do I mean by saying that? For example there is no such law, that allows District Court Judge to commit a physical insult -a beating- against his fellow citizen. However they do. I gave a true example in my previous article happened to me in Finland (as Lagman Paul Salmi from Toijala District Court having committed such an act) to confirm the incorrect policies Finland has chosen. In fact, the same lagman was made 'a public enemy' based on a lawyers advice, put it did not stop him causing some 30.000 EUR/USD damage to me by sitting the next Court case. Finnish legal reps and their police friends are the dregs of the Finnish society. Thus I am asking all foreign lawyers to make the difference and help arranging those people's matters suffering from these people. - In fact it would not do any harm to foreign lawyers to pull a show in arranging my affair as it should have been dealth with in the first place. Now I have lost over 1 million USD because of these Finnish idiots. For an adult student it is a bit too much.
It is absolutely clear, that the old saying 'LET THE JUDGE DO THE JUDGING' DO NOT APPLY, since these Finnish lawyers seem to be one of the most least civilised academicals (ISBN 951-98052-2-) in the academically educated society. The worst thing about this is the fact of these people having even less educated people serving their needs; members of police serving lawyers.
Police, like the lawyers education is only a political education based on the ruling methods, social and economical environment taking place in one region or nation. Thus I can say these people being nothing but 'apes being educated to serve some political interest'. In science we do not allow such thing to exist. Everybody knows, that an iron ball comes back to earth the same way in China or USA, but this rule do not apply to law!
Faculty of Law should not even belong to the academically educated society – academic institution should be allowed only to those, who's science is based on universal things. One can take a lawyer degree to protect some scientific fact. Or alternatively one should first have a real education and profession with a degree before getting a lawyer degree. At least in this way these people would know in theory, what or how they should judge. Now everything is vice versa; we have some poorly educated idiots trying to protect things they can not understand and are not educated to do, and yes I am talking about you lawyers! I must say, lawyers and judges must have exceptions, they must have, but unfortunately I have not being able to meet one yet.
Thus there can not be put much weight to any such Swedish register on violent people, not before government people start carrying their responsibility the same way civilians do. If I beat someone, I get either patrol or jailed, when government judge does it, Finnish Police do not care, but instead they start playing with the judges and human beigns. Du we still remember, what the Nazis did to the Jewish people – they were also playing with human beings a bit same way!
Thus I do think people are allowed to use violence to protect their interests and property. I were mad, nut or mentally ill, if I were to think differently – or alternatively a communistm who shares his property without caring about it? I can not see, why to any District Court Judge should be allowed to beat human beings without him being punished? However this is not the case in Finland.
Finnish government officials are like their colleagues in Soviet Union; our police and legal system simply do not care. Our institutional legal system do not care – they just talk and say they do. They make public statement saying they care, but is all a ridicilous theatrical act. They fake people guilty (Järvenpää Lagman Case, and several other cases). Every case is 'an individual case' except if one is a national desaster, in which case they call it 'an accident'.
Any register containing information on violent people may be based on criminals working for government or its political aims. And if these criminals can not be punished in front of the Court, then I do think it is allowed people to protect their rights even by using violence. Finnish Government reps follow Stalin's dogma, were it is enough to keep the majority of elite and people satisfied.
Based on history, we do know, that government reps have killed the most. War technically and strategically it is much better to kill one, who has killed or is killing several (i.e. tens, hundreds, thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands) of his fellow citizen, even it would mean sacrificing the one committing this protective act of eliminating the threat, when compared to the alternative result, in which some government lunatic would be allowed to continue killing without getting him to carry his responsibility. Intelligence agencies and SWAT teams in basic do the same thing, but based on political bases and on low level.
There are already enough clear indicators, that some people on government are sick, mentally ill or lacking understanding. These government people's acts are against their own law. There are even books written about such deceases caused by some government law, medical policies or simply generally something normal people call 'clear madness'.
System should work in such a way, that government people in charge, should know all above mentioned facts, and they should do their tasks according to the law. Under such circumstance no unnecessary violent act should take or takes place. But like I told you – government do not have a monopoly to violence, and if there are two alternatives to choose from 'to get beaten or beat', then every normal human being chooses to beat those not doing their job as government officials, even it means beating lagman or police commissioner. It may be the only way return the law as it was meant to be read and used?
In these Swedish case, the most funnies thing is related to news articles about the man having committed the violent act against the prime minister – as if this act had some kind of a shot history already in Sweden? After all, this was the second socialist prime minister murdered in Sweden one after one.
About his claims of hearing voices; is he really mentally ill? And were Leevi's family tree also suffering from the same mentally decease, were as Samuel or Aaron from the old government?
Medically speaking he may be mentally ill, from theological point of view God gave even madness, could possibly be related to a Jewish sacrifice for talents or an other fallen angel?
You see, one thing is for sure; you can not see inside other man's head, but one can estimate his/her mental condition. You can control your own thoughts and acts, but not other man's acts. And from medical and theological point of view; if any such thing were to exist, then if anyone claims hearing someone talking to him/her, there is a small possibility, that no one has been able to prove, that if something else were able to effect these people's mind. That would be the trick and how it would be done, specially because there is no way to prove it. If there were, it would brake the religion concept. Practically you tell me, since I am an atheist, knowing something exist? I think religions are tools to control people.
Well, it was only a childish theory, that not a single Jewish, Christian or any other religionist would accept it, since it would be serving their or someone's needs (when inspected under a possible theoretical war theory).
I simply do not believe in such things or these things existing; like I do not believe in given dreams or any such things existing in real life. - Someone like Professor Morris at Edinburgh University's Parapsychology Department may not like me or what I am saying here, but honestly I do think, that the taxpayers money should we used to better services than in sure and pure nonsense like parapsychology. I mean how many ghosts have you really managed to cath and show for the rest of the world Prof. Morris?
I have talked too much of this nonsense now, it is my morning coffee brake time already. If there is anything I enjoy in these days, it must be the fact of being so broke, that I am entitled to have few times a week a hotel breakfast. If I only had a car I could take one of those drive-in brakfast places?
Åke Tyvi