Dear BBC news
I have been watching BBC 24 today and am wondering why the attack on US troops is being called a 'sophisticated attack'(repeated on your website as a quote but not attribued to anyone) Bombs under tanks and trucks is some of the oldest battle strategies known.
It sounds like your reporters are falling into the trap of repeating US propaganda to justify when they lose their own men.
A sophisticated attack in my minds would be using laser guided bombs with pinpoint accuracy only killing the bad guys. But then we all know that this is also US propaganda so lets not fall for this one eh?
Paul O' Connor
BBC story

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Yes indeed
18.09.2003 23:57
There were dozens of anti-war protests outside BBC Manchester before and during the Iraq War with not a single BBC camera in sight. That is, except for the police cameras attempting to psychologically intimidate the protesters. But this did begin to look slightly farcical, however, when anti-war video cameras began to video the police videoers.
Chris Edwards
Well, of course
19.09.2003 07:04
C'mon, they are the British Broadcasting Corporation! How is that gonna be impartial?
Andy O'C
Absolute rubbish
19.09.2003 09:57
If its rubbish then stop talking it
19.09.2003 10:48
The BBC was virulently pro-war even unto the extent of ordering reporters not to attend anti-war marches (even in a private capacity) and telling the newsdesks not to report anti-war stories opinions. This is a FACT. I've seen the memo from Richard Sambrook, the head of BBC News.
The truth is that the Sun hates the BBC because it stands in the way of Rupert Murdoch's dream of owning and controlling all media.
It may find the BBC's reporting too "left wing" but that's because when you are a right-wing paranoid extremist (as I'm sure you must be aware), almost anything that isn't the establishment's "official" viewpoint will be denounced as "left wing."
For the umpteenth time, Rockwell, LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELF!
Mad Monk
Are you serious?
19.09.2003 11:56
Funny then how BBC reporters were at every anti-war demo! And how the BBC showed video footage of anti-war marches on TV. Oh and its also funny how the BBC are now in a court case for accusing the government of sexing up the Iraqi weapons dossier!
Whose influence is the IMC-UK censorship under?
19.09.2003 12:56
British influence is worse than the US influence.
Would you like to see British influence back at the BBC or would you get rid of this pigscum organ of propaganda?
Rockwell's wrong (again)
19.09.2003 13:42
"Oh and its also funny how the BBC are now in a court case for accusing the government of sexing up the Iraqi weapons dossier!"
Actually BBC reporters only covered the massive (and frankly, impossible to ignore)
demonstrations in London and Scotland. They utterly ignored the dozens and dozens of events that took place almost daily in the run-up to the war.
The BBC are not "in a court case" you retard, they are part of an inquiry. That aside, they are only there to try and distract attention from the government's real embarrassment: that there are NO WMDS in Iraq and therefore the country was lied to by the government.
The BBC are being accused of slipshod journalism; not opposing the war.
Mad Monk
No WMD have been found but Iraq is a big country!
20.09.2003 13:09
Wrong on all counts. The evidence of WMD came from both the British joint intellegence committee, MI5 and MI6 and the American CIA. Their intellegence reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were debated in Parliament and believed by government minister to be reliable and accurate.
Saddam was well known from over 12 years to be hell bent on aquiring WMD including nuclear weapons and went to great lengths to conceal them from UN inspectors. Just because none have been found doesn't mean they never existed. Iraq is the size of France and there are numerous places where those weapons could be hidden. For example there are arms dumps in Ireland that have never been found in over 30 years and Ireland is much smaller than Iraq.
Anyone who thinks that Saddam was not hell bent on hidding such weapons, aquiring nuclear weapons and was not a major threat to the region and to us is a complete and utter idiot!
In 1933 many people in Europe believed Hitler was not a threat 6 years later they learnt to their cost that they had been dangerously wrong. In taking out Saddam the allies have probably prevented world war three!