His or her posts are from the Searchlight school of dodgy anti fascism of more below
On the excellent Pits and Pots

Almost half of all posts on EDL are from this character and they post on almost every other thread, and regularly try to shut down discussion from anyone who has a different POV by shouting TROLL and posting pictures of Trolls
Most active anti-fascists know that Searchlight has connections with the state (See Larry O'Hara's work to expose them

But sometimes their politics is ignored. Searchlight are utterly within Stalinist ideology that states that fascism is an aberation (and not as anarchist would argue a varient of capitalism) and a response to fascism is to defend 'democracy' and that means uniting with anyone, the Tories, New Labour and the state and the police against fascists.
So it was Searchlight who called for the ban on EDL in Luton and the state responded with a ban on ALL public demonstrations, that if Vauxhalls workers had needed to demonstrate then, would have banned them too.
And the multi-named stooge on Indymedia is also playing a game - a game that will backfire on anarchists more than the EDL
the most recent post by this person, as Demestos, is a reprint of a LiverAF article that is also extremely dangerous as we all know the state uses anti-terror laws against us already and will use any excuse to ramp up their application (see

the argument s/he follows is that
- the EDL are violent , racist, hooligan, law-breakers, and now 'use terror tactics' i.e. are terrorists
Now, take out racist, and the rest of the accusations are exactly what the politicians use against anarchists/activists
And so what does Demestos/Harpic/TrollDestroya want?
Well apart from attacking anyone with a different POV on fighting fascism they argue for
- More police on the street and state bans!!!
If Choudary and EDL are part of a game to increase state powers so is Troll Destroya/Demestos and all his or her multi personalities
As i have argued in


these tactics do not work in destroying fascism, are not revolutionary and are indeed simply dangerously and deeply reactionary
They have no place on Indymedia or what Indymedia ought to be ;)
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