Firstly there is the cost of the web page design - this can sometimes be offset by using proprietary software - but that can create problems down the line with Search Engine Optimisation.
Secondly are the costs every time you wish to update your site - your webdesigner will demand payment!
Next, the cost of your domain name, and the annual hosting cost of your domain.
Then finally, and probably the most expensive of all, is your SEO, Search Engine Optimisation. Without SEO your site will never be found by the search engines, rendering it basically useless. SEO is an ongoing process - and the costs can be unlimited.
We all agree that a website is now an essential part of doing business, but, for a start-up company, the costs of maintaining a website can be a real millstone.
Brocante64 have now created a new website giving users a totally unique alternative option. Designed especially for the individual, small entrepreneur, start-up business and community scheme we offer our clients an all-inclusive package, starting at just €4 per month, that will not only get them online in a matter of hours, but obviates all those extra costs.
No webpage design costs by using our templates
You have total access to your own site to edit and update at any time and at no extra cost
The domain name and hosting costs are included in the package
And Finally, the SEO - our X Factor:-
I will explain
SEO is about two main elements, keywords and links
Keywords are, as they suggest the words used to describe what your site is selling, and are the first thing the search engines look for, but, as you can imagine, with two or three hundred million websites out there those same keywords are being used by countless other websites. So the search engines need another way to validate your site and bring it up the rankings so you can achieve that all-important first page placement.
How they do it, simply put, is that they look at how many other sites link to your site. It is like "judging a man by his friends" sort of thing - the more friends, and the quality of his friends, the better the man!!
Brocante64 achieves these vital links by prefixing all our client websites with our own thus every site is linked to each other and the SEO is constantly strengthened as another site is added - simple, but totally effective and totally unique.
This idea comes not only from personal experiences, but from a multitude of enquiries from friends / colleagues & clients that believe that the internet and eCommerce should be a viable means of creating, at minimum, a supplementary income.
We all have something to sell, whether it be our expertise or our old clothes, but, up to now, the costs of maintaining a functional website far outweighed the benefit to the small entrepreneur.
This recession has created levels of personal depression probably unparalleled in living memory. Many people get through the days and weeks by dreaming of winning the lotto - and we all know that millions are spent each week on that dream. So Brocante64 is not just about providing a possible income, it is also about giving people hope, something tangible they can channel their time and talent into, and at €4 / month is guaranteed to produce a far better return than the lotto ever will!
Even though this is a brand-new website we have already seen the profound effect it has had on our users:- suddenly they have an outlet for their imagination and a real purpose towards something eminently achieavable - an income, and, just as importantly, that self-pride from having created something unique for themselves. - eCommerce for all
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22.09.2009 09:14