Within the western academic community over the last few years an internet archive purporting to be the biggest project of its kind has developed using the old texts from past marxists eg. Lenin, Trotksy, Stalin, Mao etc.

The issue is who is behind this project when alongside official marxists are cold-war anti-communists like Rorty whom they praise for ...passing away

Who Rorty was

Recently the MIA alongside all the other western media outlets despite it not being officially an organisation and only staffed by volunteers set about critcising China officially as carrying out DOS attacks on its servers via the main mouthpiece of the New York intelligentsia (that bastion of human rights imperialism!) the New York Times...

The interviewee of the above piece is a charachter named Brian Bagsen one of the founders of MIA states in his biography the amazing following gems for a site he has helped construct which deals with marxism
'Historical Bias: I believe Marxism was a complete failure as a form of
government. Hence, it follows that I believe that Marxism has been a
failure when in the form of a political party. Yet, despite these
failures, it has an ever present connection to radical mass movements,
which is an interesting paradox. I openly loathe Bolshevism and
vanguardism, which I firmly believe leads to horribly unethical
government where the ends justify the means. Needless to say, these
beliefs often put me at odds with many in this organization, and
eventually led to my depature.'

Need I say more?
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