”If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.”
President-elect George W. Bush (Dec. 18, 2000)
By Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent
Interlude Introduction
Noble Resolve, the catastrophe exercise headed up by Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), ended yesterday, giving Portland and Oregon a respite from the terror of a Bush administration false flag nuclear attack -- at least until October, when TOPOFF, a "dirty nuke" exercise, comes to call. TOPOFF will be led by Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and the Homeland Security Agency (Homeseca), and is massive in scope, as described in the Homeseca press release, "The TOPOFF 4 Full-Scale Exercise"

"Taking place October 15-24, 2007, the TOPOFF 4 Full-Scale Exercise (T4 FSE) will ... involve more than 15,000 participants representing Federal, State, territorial, and local entities ... The T4 FSE is based on National Planning Scenario 11 (NPS-11). The scenario begins as terrorists, who have been planning attacks in Oregon, Arizona, and the U.S. Territory of Guam, successfully bring radioactive material into the United States. The first of three coordinated attacks occurs in Guam, with the simulated detonation of a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” causing casualties and wide-spread contamination in a populous area near a power plant. Similar attacks occur in the hours that follow in Portland and Phoenix."
American citizens who are aware of nuclear exercises like Noble Resolve and TOPOFF split into two opposing groups: those who take assurance from government nuke preparations and those who worry that the government may be preparing to nuke them. The worried sort have abounded in the exercise ground zero of Portland, a free-thinking city that has been no friend to Bush presidents, father or son. This week military officials and mainstream media twisted and turned to avoid straight talk about Noble Resolve -- then bent over backwards to label those who sought or offered straight talk as "conspiracy theorists."
In response to my recent articles on the possibility of a false flag "911-2B" attack, and the inconvenient truth of my military and media credentials, I have been called the most incorrigible of conspiracy theorists. Establishment apparatchiks as diverse as Captain Mike Braibish (public affairs officer for the Oregon National Guard) and Joseph Rose (reporter for The Oregonian newspaper) have complained to me that most citizens calling local and state authorities demanding answers to nuke exercises are motivated by my articles and interviews. I'm honored to have created so salutary an effect, and will continue to do my job of presenting the worst case scenario of a possible false flag attack.
Portland Presstitutes
By "pressitutes" I mean reporters, editors, managers and publishers who claim to represent the honorable institution of journalism, but in reality represent nothing more than the dishonorable interests of the media cartels who pay for their services. It's no wonder that more and more universities are merging their public relations and journalism departments into catch-all "communications" departments. There's no particular difference in PR and current "journalism," as far as I can see, and Portland's mainstream media is no exception to the rule.
Although The Oregonian did not print a single news story on Noble Resolve (and still hasn't to date), the paper editorialized in favor of the nuke exercise -- and against "fevered speculation" earlier this month. Reporter Jeff Kosseff quite adeptly covered the public demand for information on Bush's dictatorship directive, NSPD-51 -- and just as adeptly ignored the public demand for information on Noble Resolve, by which that same public was afraid "King George" would find a pretext to implement dictatorship.
Oregonian reporter Joseph Rose contacted me (nearly two weeks after he said he would) for two half-hour interviews. It was apparent that he was trying to gather quotes outlandish enough to justify a hostile article against me for my coverage of Noble Resolve. Not having his facts together -- and frustrated that I did -- he firmly and finally announced that I was an unworthy source and unscrupulous reporter. Considering the source, I was honored, and pleased to have published a short article on his and his paper's ineptitude: "Noble Resolve (Helping The Oregonian Catch Up)"

The Oregonian wasn't alone in the practice of presstitution, though. Portland's ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates kept mum about Noble Resolve for the weeks that viewers were calling their newsrooms asking for details about the growing and disturbing Internet story. In a splendid display of chutzpah, ABC's KATU-2 aired a story Thursday ridiculing the fears of the public they had failed to inform with "Conspiracy theorists claim ONG drill is prelude to Portland attack"

Noble Resolve, supposedly merely a computer simulation, had an disturbing farce in its middle. For no reason at all (so they said) Homeseca dispatched a VIPR (pronounced "viper") team to occupy Portland International Airport in the middle of the nuke exercise, and refused to answer questions about it. KOIN-6 (CBS) covered it all without questioning it at all in its formidably named "Operation 'Vipr' Hits PDX"

Lest I seem unduly harsh to the presstitutes of Portland, I should remind the reader that I myself have written for broadcast and print media, and I know full well when they aren't doing their jobs. They have been hypocritical and harsh in attacking Internet journalists who adopt and develop the stories that they either ignore or abandon, so I don't have a good word to say about them. They should remember three simple rules in the future:
1: It is a sin to be oblivious to the obvious (and Noble Resolve was an obvious public concern).
2: If you don't cover the story, don't complain that your non-coverage becomes part of the story.
3: If you don't want to be called part of a conspiracy, don't join a conspiracy of silence about it.
Homegrown Heroes
It is Portland's good fortune to have found excellent information on Noble Resolve, despite their mainstream media's neglect. KBOO community radio, through its news department and Presswatch host Theresa Mitchell, regularly broadcast much-needed information.
Portland Indymedia became the de facto city newspaper, publishing the kind of fact-finding stories and memos so conspicuously absent from the pages of The Oregonian. It caused a great deal of alarm when it stopped publishing Noble Resolve updates for around 24 hours in the midweek.
Ad hoc Internet groups, developed by Oregonians, helped fill the information vacuum as well. Ginny Ross, with her Oregon Truth Alliance

Major William Fox, who lives near to Portland, went to Oregon's state capitol, Salem, to cover Noble Resolve for The Lone Star Iconoclast. The former Marine public affairs officer's "Noble Resolve and the Ignoble Whitewash" offers an invaluable close-up perspective. He also posted a web page with links to my false flag writings and interviews, along with his analysis of them.

These patriotic parties, who informed a concerned public about Noble Resolve, will be critical in informing the public about the upcoming TOPOFF. Homeseca has already described its upcoming nuclear exercise as a surprise scenario, in which the participants will be ignorant of the particulars. The Oregonian's Joseph Rose told me that neither he nor his paper will spoil the Bush administration's surprise party by either investigating or reporting it, and we can expect the rest of Portland's presstitutes to follow their sorry example.
It remains for the rest of us, the "conspiracy theorists," to get at the truth, then get the truth out to the public.
"Our republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."
Joseph Pulitzer (1904)
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Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine.

(web address URL) www.ghosttroop.net
(address) Houston, Texas
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