Dear Mr. Rose,
I'm sorry your cell phone was giving out after half an hour of conversation this evening. I look forward to your call tomorrow at 11:30 (Pacific Time). I'm glad that The Oregonian is finally taking an interest in Noble Resolve, and that you spent this afternoon speaking about the exercise with officials in you state capitol, Salem. As I mentioned, my home paper (The Lone Star Iconoclast) had a military correspondent there yesterday in the person of former USMC Major William Fox, and we shall continue to report events to the public.
Now that we have spoken, I hope you will read the five articles I have published in the last five weeks on Operation Noble Resolve. As you say, my writing has caused concern in the Portland area, and led to innumerable calls to your local, state and national political and military leaders. As I said (when you asked me how I felt about causing such alarm) the people of Portland and Oregon are right to be concerned about the nature of Noble Resolve, especially since their political and military officials have been so evasive and at times contradictory on the particulars of the exercise. As I learned from your own news room a week ago, The Oregonian has yet to do any reporting on Noble Resolve, although your editorial board has told the public -- despite the absence of reporting -- that all is in order.
To reiterate the main points that I made in our conversation earlier this evening, to NOT be concerned about so dubious and unreported an event as Noble Resolve seems negligent at best. I hope that you and The Oregonian will publish a story during the course of this exercise, and before the next exercise, TOPOFF, which will run in October. The more facts the public has in advance, the less cause they will have to mistrust their political, military and media leaders.
Had it not been for the efforts of The Iconoclast, Major Fox and myself, I believe that the story you are now assigned to follow would have remained unreported. We have investigated and ascertained such basic facts as the exercise dates: Noble Resolve, August 20-24; TOPOFF, October 15-20. Candidly, it is shocking to us at The Iconoclast that such information, so important to your public, had to be explored and discovered from our base in Crawford, Texas, rather than in Portland, Oregon.
I hope before our conversation tomorrow you will find the time to read my articles. There is nothing I have said in them that I revise or retract now. I leave them below in chronological order, and believe that you and The Oregonian will learn much about the story you are now working on from what we have been publishing since mid-July.
Best regards,
Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent
[article links below]
Next 9/11, Summer, 2007?

Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke

A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)

Staging the Portland Nuke (A Comedy of Terrors)

911-2B: American Nightmare & Neocon Fantasy

Joseph Rose wrote:
I'm ready to talk when you're available. Sorry for the delay.
Joseph Rose
Staff Writer
The Oregonian
1320 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
>>> Captain May 08/17/07 6:43 PM >>>
Talk to you tomorrow.
Joseph Rose wrote:
Hello, Captain May,
My name is Joseph Rose. I'm a staff writer with The Oregonian in Portland. I'm looking into something called Noble Resolve. I was told you can help.
Can we talk by phone?
Joseph Rose
Staff Writer
The Oregonian
1320 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
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