by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 9:23am Wed Mar 21 '01
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
Years ago a man named Vandermeyer put crosses throughout this country, three crosses a la Golgotha. He probably thought that these crosses were a tribute to Jesus Christ when in reality they are a testament to those of you who trust in carved images; furthermore they are destined to be the sites of a festival, which has been dubbed Hooterville by my friend Norm, who claimed; "Hooterville is the stupidest people on earth!" The last time I saw my friend Norm, I explained that the prophet Elijah had arrived in Wheaton, Illinois when attackers slit open his mother and ripped him from the womb because a friend of theirs wanted a baby. Since this November 1995 event was suppressed by Newt Gingrich and the media, a curse has come on the land. This prophet's message is the manner in which he came into the world, nothing more, nothing less. It was supposed to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to the parents, or the curse would be made manifest. Even though Norm immediately embarked on a campaign as God's watchman, the "watchman of Ephraim"; nothing could stop the evil that was afoot in Norm's Hooterville. Norm went to every single town in the area announcing that he was from Hooterville and "Hooterville is the stupidest people on earth!"; but to no avail, for Norm stumbled, Sarah and Jennifer stumbled, and millions more have apparently stumbled. When I moved to Norm's Hooterville in 1996, the Hootervillites immediately set about trying to drive me out, for I was living at Norm's house since Norm was not home. In May 1998 they dumped enough sulphuric acid on my trailer to kill Norm's "sacred river oaks". Let me tell you right now that God hates these "oak" trees, and He says so in the Bible. Maybe God hates these "oak" trees because they are locust trees, the biggest oldest black locust trees on earth, trees that were fullgrown when Mark Twain was here; trees that are still slowly dying for the damage was fatal; thus fewer and fewer leaves show each year. Alas! A festival! A day of atonement. Shrines from coast to coast with three crosses of hewn oak to atone for Norm's "sacred river oaks". Surely God will be pleased.
Plans have been afoot for some time now to gather all of the Hootervillites for this festival, for these people have actually laid traps for their own lives since they didn't look in the mirror when Norm warned them. They could have used the prophesized number to save the gays, for most of them are gay; but nobody liked the number. Centuries of bad PR had convinced them that "six smelled bad". Instead they concentrated on effacing Israel, the Holy Nation from being a nation; not understanding that they expressed their desire to become Israelites when they moved on the Israelites. Since the righteous Israelites have disappeared from the land; these Hootervillites will now carry on the work of the fallen Israelites in an attempt to appease their Lord. Yes the plan calls for them to dig up the fallen Israelites with the military's ingenious collapsible shovels and use their chemical modus operandi to raise up their Great Dead King via voodoo. If they had a king, what could he do for them? Well, from there some of them will go abroad to declare the majesties of the fallen Israelites who called them out of the darkness into His wonderful light. They will find shelter at the houses of the "Storm Troopers of America" who will probably be under house arrest for their own dastardly deeds against the Holy Nation; nevertheless these houses will serve as the Judean Embassies which will help make manifest Isreal's claim on Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land. These Hootervillites are a really devious bunch, so God has given us a hint on how to single them out; He says that the look on their faces will betray them. Here I thought that meant that the shaved heads of the narcotic addicts or the "Bill" sealed foreheads were going to betray them; but it appears that He might be talking about the coprophagic look on their faces that will give them away. Thus Hooterville is coming to an area near you! What? Who? Huh? Sounds like you need to do your reading..See; "Silent Murder Epidemic - Buffalo Version" 8:35 AM 2/20/01; "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness - Update" 6:00 PM 2/22/01; "Foolproof Plans of "Storm Troopers of America" and their Supreme "Narky"" 9:13 AM 3/7/01; "Coprophagia Rules?" 8:20 AM 3/8/01; ""Storm Troopers of America" and Their New World Order" 12:29 PM 3/11/01; Comment: "PGW was Fulfillment of Prophecy" on "Why the War? Kuwait Connection" 9:50 AM 3/12/01; and Comment: "Comedy Capers" on "Bush Says Russia Not Enemy" 8:10 AM 3/14/01. That's all for today folks. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS: I am writing to you here from 7/24/01 after just reposting my weekly "Update" Id=55083 on The Ids of the abovementioned articles in the order mentioned are: 24603, 24988, 26851, (26983 - stolen: reposted at 32589), 27490, com. 27595, com. 27291. As for this article, what I said about Elijah being a prophet pertains to Malachi 4:5. As for the Love Festivals of Hooterville, Hosea, Micah, and Amos wrote about them, and the God-damned oak trees are mentioned in Isaiah 1:29. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger