by ewing2001
August 18, 2005

The following timetable might point on the identities of the real perpetrators of 7/7 and its follow up attack on 7/21.
This abstract is based on already prepared research at, as presented here during the first days after the attack, which brought us attention at prisonplanet, breakfornews and wikipedia.
However they also withdraw the references after a short time.
The most important patterns of this timetable had been also presented during a workshop of Webster Tarpley and an afterhour at the DC "truthemergency" on July 23, 2005.
Please read also "conclusion".
Globalist warheads and neocon fascists, close to the real perpetrators of 9/11, decide after the "successful" outcome of the attacks, that 9/11 should also work for Europe.
The idea for an european 9/11 is born.
Instead of political targets, this time a subway is chosen, either in London or Paris.
The power brokers decide for London, heartbeat of intelligent setups.
For a success of an european 9/11, the plotters decide to test most important details in some terror drills, to be planned within the next 2 years.
They forward their secret ideas to their associated "organizers".
January 2003
Globalist plotters of the forthcoming "european 9/11" believe, that their script must also include a subtle connection with Africa, via victims and alleged suspects.

Their concern is to oppose liberal members of the G8, who have different plans for africans debt situation.
For their new 'anti-african' psyOP, they develop a list (here called A-CHIP = African-Caribbean Helping Idiots-PsyOP).
scripted into this list, but unrelated to crime or any conspiracy, is also Bob Geldof and as usual, some helpful 'foot soldiers' of the religious right.
The masterminds decide to work with moles in MI5/MI6 (also founder of Mossad).
They also sit at top banking positions of G8.
Symbolically the attack will therefore be also coordinated with this summit.
For their manipulation of a new "pro"-africa/"anti" terror africa mindset, the masterminds already prepare the US nation with a new bogus support plan of Africa, carefully scripted into a speech of George Bush, using "AIDS" and "hunger" as a cover:
"... Today, on the continent of Africa, nearly 30 million people have the AIDS virus -- including 3 million children under the age 15...
... AIDS can be prevented...and to meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad, tonight I propose the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief -- a work of mercy beyond all current international efforts to help the people of Africa..."

February 2003
The final plannings and meetings for the London attacks begin officially in Leeds, London and Lahore (Pakistan).
As usual, the real perpetrators select their targets also for political reasons, to tie their alleged suspects to 'radical pakistani terror cells' in Leeds, but also Lahore, Pakistan.
The alleged pakistan connection is also constructed for political blackmailing, to ensure that the military coalition with U.S. still continues.
The script for the attack is using military codes to simplify their"arrangements":
London/Leeds/Lahore =LLL, turned upside down, is 777 (7/7, 2005).
For this "plotline" they also need some scapegoats and fall guys (also called "destraction agents").
One of them will become Mohammed Junaid Babar, a Pakistani-American computer programmer (originally from Queens, New york), already under British surveillance.
Babar was later forced to plead guilty in 2004 to supplying military equipment to an alleged al-Qaeda camp in Pakistan.
Babar is possibly a deceived double agent for CIA/ISI.

After spending two and a half months with Zeeshan Siddique in Lahore, the masterminds also scripted Siddique into an alleged ringleader.
However Pakistani security officials arrest Siddique already on May 18, 3 weeks before the 7/7 attack.

April 2003
Defense Contractor Bombardier receives a £3.4 billion contract awarded by UK Metronet for 1,738 metro cars and new signalling systems for the Victoria line and the sub-surface lines.
May 13th, 2003
Motorola appoints TagMaster an application partner.
One of the first projects of Tagmaster is to supply Motorola with RFID equipment for London
Underground trains.
The reader of this divice is positioned under the train cab and the ID-tag is fitted to a bracket, mounted on the sleepers between the rails.
In April 2005, Tagmaster is also selected as RFID supplier to Madrid Metro and Bombardier, who runs a London Underground projects Division.

July 2003
George Bush selects former Eli Lilly & Co. chief executive Randall Tobias as the coordinator for a new $15 billion program to "slow the spread of AIDS and to treat it in Africa and the Caribbean".

NOTE: Bush' father was former head of Eli Lilly, after he left the CIA in 1977.
Eli Lily, not only strongly tied with the religious right, is interestingly also marketing their first recombinant-DNA product in 1982, just barely after the AIDS epidemic started.
December 2003
A report by the London Resilience, a consortium of emergency services and transport operators, reveals that the Sep 2003 london tube drill "shows flaws".

The London Resilience Forum was set up in May 2002 to lead emergency planning, led by Minister Phill Woolas.
This forum will later also plan some speeches at the Local Government Association (LGA) conference during the beginning of June 2005, with Rudoph Giuliani, as one of the keynote speakers.

In the following year, the LGA would reorganise their political structure.

Bob Kiley becomes Commissioner of Transport for London.
Kiley worked for the CIA between 1963 and 1970, then starting to work as an assistant director at the Police Foundation in Washington D.C.
During 80s he was Chairman and CEO of the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
It's obvious, that Kiley's function is either to coordinate, allow or tolerate moles into the Transport System who supervise and coordinate the upcoming 7/7 attacks.

TfL is directed by a management board whose members are chosen for their
understanding of transport matters and appointed by Ken Livingstone, Mayor
of London, who chairs the TfL Board.
TfL’s Commissioner, Bob Kiley, and his Chief Officers are responsible and accountable for the day to day operations of TfL and the work of its
17,000 employees.
TfL manages London’s buses, London Underground, the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and London Trams. Transport for London was formed in July 2000 and is a functional body of the Greater London Authority

April 2004
Abdul-Salaam Patel dies.
His wife is mother-in-law of one of the alleged 7/7 suspects, Mohammad Sidique Khan.

The real perpetrators of 7/7 are still interested in an "african connection".
For symbolical reasons, they also choose the name Patel, which refers to the "Gujarati Patel Muslims".
Khan's mother was found in a database of Buckingham Palace, Queen Elisabeth.
She later also received an award of the Queen.

However also Patel's father Ismail Patel was known as an anti-apartheid activist, who died in 1973 after he had been under house arrest for 10 years.

It's easier for the real masterminds to profile people close to their environments.
Farida Patel, a well-known British teacher, was decorated by the Queen.

The real plotters however don't get their own databases straight.
On July 13, 2005, the wrong Hasina Patel and her husband, Rashid Facha, are getting arrested.
April 2, 2004
A NY Subway drill is testing more details for 7/7.
An explosion in a subway in prep for a global event,
In this exercise it refers symbolically to the GOP Convention, while 7/7 happened during G8.
"...Police officers from across the city played out terrorist scenarios yesterday, from a gas attack in a hotel room to an explosion in a subway in preparation for the Republican National Convention in August..."

The symbolism of this "hotel room" let us allow a speculation.
It's plausible, that an earlier blueprint of 7/7 also included an assassination of power broker and IASPS/PNAC Insider Benjamin Netanyahu.
This would explain, why on the morning of 7/7 he was indeed waiting "in a hotel room" for a phone call, when he was "warned" by Scotland Yard.
Only three weeks later, Netanyahu resigned from his Cabinet position, officicially to protest the pullout from Gaza, but obviously to get him now finally out of radar.
The name of this April 2004 drill is also very significant.
COBRA will later also refer to Tony Blair's emergency unit in London. A perfect cover name for important communications and plausible "protocol leaks" over the phone or other unsafe communication tools.

(read the rest at

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