27 Green Party candidates
8 Socialist Alliance
7 Liverpool Labour
5 Socialist Labour
1 Communist Party
In Central ward both the Greens and Liverpool Labour have a chance of getting one or two candidates in and in Greenbank Greens and Socialist Alliance could really easily strip Labour of enough votes to relegate their candidates into 3rd place or worse.
After some consideration, I’ve included Liverpool Labour on the list as the main point of this is to people show there are alternatives to the Tory Party 1, Storey Party in disguise) and the Tony Party. Amusingly, Howard’s Tories are in meltdown in Liverpool – they only managed 29 candidates, even less than last year despite 90 vacancies.
If you only have 1 or 2 decent local candidates, there is no compulsion to use your 2nd or 3rd vote, and if you don't believe voting will have any effect (even if it is only a kick up the arse in some marginal Labour / Lib Dem seat), then read something else that won't bore you as much.
Anfield: Lesley Mahmood & E Nattrass (Socialist Alliance)
Central: Peter Cranie, Faye Griffiths and A Rudkin (Green Party)
George Knibb & M Whitty (Liverpool Labour)
Childwall: A Saunders (Green)
Church: E Martin (Green)
Clubmoor: G Theys (Socialist Labour Party)
Cressington: A Ferguson (Green)
Croxteth: A Graham (Green), A Jennings and J Jones (Liverpool Labour) and V Shaw (Socialist Labour Party)
Everton: H Bryant (Green)
Fazakerley: D Kidd (Liverpool Labour)
Greenbank: J Birch-Holt, A Hoban & P Musgrove (Green Party)
R Foulkes, C Jones & S Yates (Socialist Alliance)
Kensington and Fairfield: Mike Lane (Socialist Labour)
Kirkdale: D Cook, E Van Der Linde & M Williams (Green Party)
A Hincks and T Smith (Liverpool Labour)
Mossley Hill: V Anderson & A Howarth (Green Party)
Norris Green: Kai Anderson (Socialist Labour) & Eric Cartmel (Green Party)
Old Swan: P Filby, C Ralph and J Ralph (Socialist Alliance)
Princes Park: S Holgate, A Ploger and J Williams (Green Party)
Riverside: J Brown, N Stentiford & L Warner (Green Party) and J Cormack (Communist Party)
St Michaels: J Clatworthy, J Hill & H Jago (Green Party)
West Derby: P Goodwin (Socialist Labour) and I Graham (Green Party)
For those on the left / progressive wing of politics in Allerton, Belle Vale, County, Knotty Ash, Picton, Speke, Tuebrook, Warbreck, Wavertree, Woolton and Yew Tree wards, there is always the Euro elections. The Greens and Respect are running. Use your vote wisely and help stop the BNP.
Hide the following 8 comments
13.05.2004 21:15
Democratic Socialist Alliance - rebels against Respect
13.05.2004 23:45
Ok newswire cleaners, I'm not promoting them, just telling people that the SA rebels are standing here and there - they have been in dispute with the Socialist Alliance for a while now, mainly due to the SWP-domination and the Respect's formation.
Its useful for people to know...isn't it?
Galloway's an honest bloke
e-mail: honest!
14.05.2004 10:52
Workers Liberty with a couple of others I assume...
14.05.2004 12:20
As I'm the agent I can say that with certainty.
All six candidates are working class without exception, all six candidates are tenants of either council, housing companies, housing associations (HAs), registered social landlords (RSLs) or private landlords.
Kai Andersen - Norris Green
Mike Lane - Kensington & Fairfield
Gary Theys - Clubmoor
Violet Shaw - Croxteth
Patrick Goodwin - West Derby
Thomas McKay - Yew Tree (The candidate overlooked)
With the ward boundary changes there are three vote each, you now have to sign a tear off strip and have someone witness you voting to sign and address another tear off strip. The three votes are distributed thus; highest votes gets a 4 year term in office, second highest 3 years, third you get two years.
NORRIS GREEN: Covers most of the traditional Norris Green (former council) estate combining former Pirrie and Clubmoor wards, which includes the Boot housing area of Norris Green, which is where we're concentrating on. BNP Standing in this ward is coincidential from the SLP's point of view, ie we didn't choose to stand there because of the BNP, we're standing to fight for the Boot tenants' rights primarily, it's a main focuse they're been lied to, betrayed and misled for the past five years by Liberals, Lib-Dems and Labour councillors.
KENSINGTON & FAIRFIELD: Covers the Kensington area close to Liverpool city centre, includes the Phythian council estate. Also part of the New Deal for Communities (NDC) area too.
CLUBMOOR: Covers small part of Norris Green and area known as Clubmoor, near the Walton ASDA, also includes the Daneville Boot & Boswell housing area which we're targeting on it's poor housing.
CROXTETH: This is what used to be called Gillmoss ward, includes the private housing estate of Croxteth park, we will be targeting the neighbourhoods of Gillmoss being demolished (burnt out) and dispersed by council and it's private sector collaborators, also we're concerned about the three remaining HAT tower blocks the tenants don't want to leave them so we'll support them.
WEST DERBY: This used to be called the Croxteth ward and covers West Derby village area, we will be targeting the remaining and (not surprisingly) neglected council housing estates there, also reminding people of our clear opposition to the closures of sub-post offices across Liverpool.
YEW TREE: This covers the final remaining council estate of Steerscroft and Harecroft close to Cantril Farm/Stockbridge Village and also the Dovecot former council estate now owned and control by housing company Berrybridge subsidiary of Riverside HA.
We will be raising the issues of war in Iraq, which we actively opposed across Liverpool we say "BRING THE TROOPS HOME", we'll be raising the issues of the cut backs in public spending and asking questions such as where has the Objective One funds been spent for the benefit of poor working class people of Liverpool? How will Capital of Culture benefit Liverpool's working class? We'll continue defending tenants against forced evictions, the demolitions of our neighbourhoods and disperal of communities.
For more information on the New Wards with a map click on the following council link!
Kai Andersen
e-mail: aokai@tiscali.co.uk
Homepage: http://groups.msn.com/SocialistLabourPartyLiverpool
14.05.2004 13:12
Have to disagree with Kai's insistence on 1 vote only, especially when you've got a racist candidate in Norris Green. This is one ward where you should use all 3 votes just so the %age vote that goes to the BNP is tiny.
Kai - what is the SLP's position on European votes and who are you advising people to vote for? The BNP could sneak in if they finish 4th. What if this was by less than the 12,000 odd that voted SLP in the NW in 1999?
Are you going for the pragmatic "vote Green to stop the BNP", a reluctant "vote for Respect" or advising your supporters not to vote at all in the Euros? Personally I'd vote for the Donkey Carrot eating party if it stops the BNP from getting £200,000 a year in European money for the next 5 years. Imagine the damage in the NW...
SLP - update
14.05.2004 14:43
"Apologies to Thomas McKay in Yew Tree. If I've missed any other off, please add them in another comment."
Thomas is actually a tenant of a private landlord in Kensington, he and his family are facing possible eviction at any time soon, the landlord wants the working class family of six out to put in students and is threatening to send in the heavies. The family was forced to move to the current address due to Liverpool City Council not paying housing benefit for a full 12 months, everyone let the family down making pathetic excuses, including Councillor Clueless, until we stepped in to offer support and help, even the Liverpool Echo who promised to cover their story failed to cover it after the photographer didn't turn up twice. Some collective backup does wonders for working class people facing the establishment on our own, suddenly Mr McKay is being treated with respect he deserves.
"Have to disagree with Kai's insistence on 1 vote only, especially when you've got a racist candidate in Norris Green. This is one ward where you should use all 3 votes just so the %age vote that goes to the BNP is tiny."
Yeah well "ONE VOTE FOR THE SLP" meant give one of your three votes to the SLP, ie two votes for party X or pary Y and give us just one vote, but obviously the snappy comment is open to misinterpretation, so we'll stick to our long winded "Use one of your three votes for the SLP". It was never meant to be use one vote *ONLY* as you perceived it.
"Kai - what is the SLP's position on European votes and who are you advising people to vote for? The BNP could sneak in if they finish 4th. What if this was by less than the 12,000 odd that voted SLP in the NW in 1999?
Are you going for the pragmatic "vote Green to stop the BNP", a reluctant "vote for Respect" or advising your supporters not to vote at all in the Euros? Personally I'd vote for the Donkey Carrot eating party if it stops the BNP from getting £200,000 a year in European money for the next 5 years. Imagine the damage in the NW..."
Actually I raised this at the North West Region election committee last Tuesday, I said we need direction from our leadership on this question, of how we vote in absense of an SLP candidate. I've just emailed SLP National requesting clarification on our voting directions.
Just to clarify things SLP position on the EU is we call for withdrawal from the EU and to trade with the rest of the world, ie out of Europe into the world, the EU is becoming a European superstate, a United States of Europe, with it's own army, Europe wide police force (Europol, its officers are totally immune from prosecution) this is in opposition to most of the British Left who want a reformed European Union.
Our Liverpool based noticeboard is on the following WWW address
Kai Andersen
e-mail: aokai@tiscali.co.uk
Homepage: http://This option ain't working on IMC...
14.05.2004 15:23
Liverpool Labour Community Party
14.05.2004 21:09
Well Liverpool Labour Community Party, are the new name for Ward Labour, which is mostly based in Everton in the Riverside Parliamentary constituency, George Knibb main figure.
I assume the leaflet I've got through the door is for Croxteth ward only, the candidates standing here are: Harry Bennett, Tony Jennings (former leader of Liverpool Broad Left) and Jack Jones.
Nowhere near as radical as the IWCA which focuses in on local issues, doesn't want to upset the applecart by the look of it. Under the heading "HOUSING" they say they want "An improved repair service for all tenants" well being that COBALT Housing Company Limited now own all the former council housing it's outside control of council policy. "Clearance of all derelict property" and "a quicker turnaround in house allocations" also "a new fencing programme". Nothing about supporting the tenants facing demolition of their neighbourhood in the Gillmoss area, or supporting the tenants in the Altbridge Park tower blocks. Under the heading "EDUCATION" it says "Retention of good quality local schools", "Reduction in class sizes" and also "No to tuition fees", the last one is fine, how's about "ABOLISH TUITION FEES AND STUDENT LOANS - BRING BACK GRANTS". They say "We believe in campaigning on behalf of the local communities", so I say here in Croxteth where were they on the issue of Stock Transfer in 2002?
It's OLD LABOUR in new clothes...
Kai Andersen
e-mail: aokai@tiscali.co.uk