MI6 incidence in Finland clear
Prof. Jorgen Lordish from Mälmö Tekniska Högskulan in Sweden, Department of Foreign Politics and Terrorism, say in deeper analysis on the Finnish 007 incidence having taken place yesturday, that "he has got a clear hole picture now of the things of the MI6 incidence taken place in Finland.". He forwards in his anaylses to the poist "If we look the map of Finland and were the James' car was parket; below the woman's belt and next to the watermark, the case it obvious.", and he continues "Was this work or a pleasure, hard to say because we do not have it on the film, but for sure we do know, based on the facts, that at least for pleasure. Was the govenment money spend on this it is a bit premature to say, and we
possibly never get hold to the final report, thus remaining an educated quess."
Prof. Jorgen also point out to British Intelligence, that these kind of personal affairs should not be brought into publicity, but he understand as a reseacher the 007's mistake of forgetting his parking lisence in the front window."
MI6 caugth in Finland?
FINLAND - At Oulu Down-Town walk-street has been found a black Jaguar, with a featured person at driver's seat familiar to James Bond; this time as a dummy behind a mask. Inside the car one finds a sign with text "Lisence to Park", "007", "On Her Majesty's Secrect Service". Official register plates refers to Estonia rather than UK. Who ever joker did this, we have no clue. But the people it has caused a good reason for a laugh, and this gives a hope to those trading MI6 who "is not at the moment at home", whether an other agent hunting on otherone or just to someone reaching them by phone. Severy speaking, more likely to be a Oulu University's student joke.
Original Source with photos:

Gathegory: Comedynews, partly true, mostly nonsence.