Also see my website Mobile Audit Club found by internet search
It appears we are in a time of fascism and war is the name of the game. I try to rise above it all, but as a Pacifist I was knocked unconscious and given a stroke due to injections by those who are bribed by those who destroy our people with their laws and their abuses. When I look at Italy I see the alleged end of fascism, a nation and a people ravaged by war and corrupt warlords in the past and likely the present. I do not like fascism because it makes people more like the Bonobo Monkey, which is the type A blood in most humans and is a cannibal. All of us humans, even type B blood have Blood type A in us. I look to God for an answer and I know what it is. Training the young with modern tools such as the internet so they can be creative engineers and solve the Earth's problems. I do not feel it will happen. I pray for the end of time or for release from this primeval existence.
The FDIC should be shut down because they do not abide by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which was made defunct by the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and they do not mention that fact.. What use is a grave robber to us other than another thief, a carrion eater of fallen wealth. Beware of the Jacksonville Florida area as it is a FDIC butcher hub. I was harassed in the area and the FBI or a syndicate tried to set me up in 2012, including having a helicopter hover over me in Palm Coast Florida at a beach with likely Spanish mobster and Italian and other government mobsters assisting and then I was led to another area East of Jacksonville for a discussion that I was warned not to attend. The FBI can not be trusted. Many of them are a fascist tool for an international fascist dictator and have likely killed many people to advance their true bosses agendas of world financial domination. Some may want to consider fascist political parties to counter their Spanish and other warlords, but I would prefer another nation, a holy nation, that rises above the negative predatory capitalists in power in much of the Americas and much of Europe. It is my prayer their fascist dictatorship regime in the USA is replaced by a holy regime, even if through silent and advanced technological warfare to counter their silent technological warfare used against many of us. If you join their military, you must be aware that our enemies will use us in experiments and maneuvers of warfare that can create deformities in your children after exposure to their government's abuses. We view each other as enemies in the USA in most cases. A wretched place with good people in the vice who need to be freed from the tyranny of their and our enemies.
In another matter, I, a government crimes investigator, and others who were police in the USA have been forcibly injected by men who are in the federal government who are in fact war criminal felons. Their mask is aided when we are injected forcibly with unknown chemicals that are likely designed to kill and maim. My prior boss, the regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco was George Masa. George Masa had a long history of indifference as he allowed me to be terminated wrongfully 2000 and I noticed in this article linked here from 1986 when George Masa was apparently in D.C. that he approved of ripping off the American public in over inflated prices for real estate banking loans. Remember the S and L crisis 6 years later in 1992? I viewed something or had a dream or recollection of someone doing something to my back once. I have an area that has abnormal protrusions from the spine. When I am in the area of electronic devices, I will sometimes get a stinging sensation. It could be nothing, but it could be mind control. Never drop your guard. Never serve the regime in power who are under the international war criminal factions of predatory negative capitalism. Let us push for their destruction of casino gambling in the USA and the removal of liquor from grocery store shelves. Let us push for equal rights to medical marijuana in all states and urge the young to use none of it. We are slaves to our enemies. Let us pray to God we are freed in this life, in life or in death.
In my efforts to determine when the Earth was overtaken by something akin to the likes of Attila The Hun in the acts of utmost ferociousness, I look to the blast alleged to as the Tsar Bomba of late 1961 and likely the coupling of another device to the blast of energy that enabled overtaking of the Earth, likely in some manner we have not been made informed. It was likely not a bomb but another utilization of Earth's energy for military overtaking. I also believe that the UK was taken over at that time or soon thereafter, as was the USA. A key indicator of corruption and predators in your midst is the presence of casinos and forced military drafts to attack nations of little consequence such as Vietnam. The first casino in the UK was in June of 1962. The arrival of nuclear bombs in the UK was first protested in 1958. Those bombs are likekly held to the rulers throats like knives in the UK. The Aldermaston marches in the UK were stopped in April 1963 due to likely being put aside by those who conquered the UK and moved the nuclear knife to their throats and some of the conquering parties henchman to the thrones of the UK in some form unknown. The Vietnam war military draft was heightened in 1964. The USA has been robbed basically my entire life and I can only guess at what else has happened. I made a fool of myself going into the military of the USA, and being turned into a guinea pig and they altered me so my future children are harmed before birth from what they did to me near the Los Angeles military in Long Beach in 1983. Also, the FDIC proved to me that there were people being murdered there after working for them in 1999 and 2000. The prior FDIC boss was murdered around 1991. They are robbing America silly and had me in a coma until 2011 with blocked out memories. This is a shifting war. Imagine what Nikola Tesla would have done to catch our enemies in this act of war against us. If we can not be free, we should welcome the end of time of human beings. Beware of the lie of who is really the ally. The face is not known when the mask goes skin deep.