Sunday 26th February 2012
at the
Qabar of Rahmat Ali Chaudhry
at Cambridge Cemetery.
presented by:
Anjuman Matan Kahneek Aur Amali Karkan (AMKAAK)
Cambridge Lettrist And Situationist Society (CLASS)
DEad WOrkers Union /DAta Miners Travailleurs Psychique (DEWOU/DAMTP)

Following the traditional marking of the end of the age of Prophets with the death of Mohammad, and the death of Naimi Fazlallah as the end of the age of Saints we mark the death of Isou Isou as the End of the Age of Divinity and the opening of the Age of the Proletariat. We thus see this Urs date as the entry of the proletarian Rahmat Ali into the DEWOU/DAMTP and we wish to utilise the form of the Urs to create a psychic and temoral vertex through which to manifest a a Quam-Bridge between nations - and between worlds. Al-Qaum - the God of Night and War - from which the urdu/arabic word for nation is derived - is the perfect 1 Monodimension from which to intervene into the 2 Dimensional Nation construct in order to amplify our efforts to create a mature 3 Dimensional (Trimensional ) Class Consciousness.
When meeting with friends, from Bangladesh and Pakistan, of Other Asia and Redo Pakistan we did decide to mark the death anniversary as 3rd February 1951 (ie on Friday 3rd February 2012) rather than 26 Raby` al-THaany (AL-Akhar) 1370 A.H. (ie Monday 19 March 2012 C.E ) - although I suggest now Sunday 26th February 2012 may be a better date as it is central to the Christian and Islamic dates. Alternatively a month of events has been suggested thus creating a Qaum-bridge between the Christian (Solar) date of 3/2/12 and the Islamic (Lunar) date of 19/3/12.
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