@jrhocking correction.. their name should be IOF... as in Israeli Occupation Forces... they should not called defences fources, they dont have a right to defend in the first place.., Hallooooo das ist Kind ... Scheiß Israeli .... ahhhh... and umaah is still sleeping ...... Who the hell LIKES this video?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkJaFJk1m8w (Israelische Armee verhaftet 11 jähriges Kind - Video Kinderrechte?)
It's actually funny and terroristic from the Israeli occupation ... Funny how 10 soldiers ( terrorists ) are running after one little 1-year-old kid ... and terroristic how IT IS NOT THE FIRST KID ... THOUSANDS OF PALESTINIAN INNOCENT KIDS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AND A LOT OF THEM DIED IN THE ISRAELI ( INHUMANE ) PRISONS !!! God bless Palestine ... May the Israeli occupation go away ... I feel so sad watching this video seeing the boys terror & the people's suffering but I know one day humanity will unite to stop Zionist fascism & videos like this bring that day ever closer. Love & solidarity with the people of Palestine, Gaza & the Arab world. ......... Isra'el, Go to HELL !!!! Fuck ISRAEL !!!! FUCK ALL THOSE CRIMINALS !! ......... 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weiter ......... Alle Kommentare anzeigen »
http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments=1&v=ZkJaFJk1m8w -
Exclusive Video: Israeli army arrests 11-year-old in broad daylight (Part 2) ... Yesterday, I posted two videos of January 2011 night raids in Nabi Saleh. The videos were taken during a ‘mapping operation’ conducted by the Israeli army. The operation was to photograph and catalogue all the male children in the village. There is no violence, just violation. ...........