John F. Kennedy
Fascism for most people seems to have the concept of Nazism, rather than the early twentieth century Italian invention of the word fascism. The Italians had more elaborate terms for the concept; estato corporativo; the corporatist state.
John F. Kennedy
Fascism for most people seems to have the concept of Nazism, rather than the early twentieth century Italian invention of the word fascism. The Italians had more elaborate terms for the concept; estato corporativo; the corporatist state. Most of us seem to understsnd fascism, with its Nazi symptoms rather than its structures. The framework of fascism is corporatism or the corporate state. The structure of fascism is the merger of corporate power with government power.
Ireland under Fianna Fail with their cronyism and governmental corruption, failing to regulate or put checks on banks and corporations are a prime example of this. Fine Gael after the next election, will be a further extension and consolidation of bankster, corporate economic and governmental power, in the hands of a few. With this consolidation of power, the Fine Gael regime will become an overtly fascist and Nazi-like one. The poor, the sick, the aged and minorities will be the first to feel this.
We can expect under the Fine Gael's Fascist Regime in Ireland, a continuation of systemic censorship. There will be an even firther increase in the disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts in Ireland. While their more sanitized version of fascism, may not openly burn books like the Nazi's in Germany did, Irish intellectuals and any remaining freedom of ideas and expression, will be totally censored on the internet, along current Stalinist Indymedia Ireland lines for example, under the coming Fine Gael regime. All intellectual and academic freedom, will be considered subversive to Irish national security and the Blue Shirt ideal. Irish Universities, even TCD will be tightly censored; intelligent political debate muzzled or eliminated. Liberation ideology or dissent will be attacked, silenced and crushed. Art and literature that does not serve the blue shirt ideal, will have no right to exist in Fine Gale's Ireland.
With Fine Gael's form of fascism, corporate power will be protected in Ireland, especially in Government. Like the Black Shirts of Mussolini, the Brown Shirts of Hiler, the Blue Shirts of Lord Haw Haw (see link below for details) as their leader Kenny is affectionately known among their youth, corporatism will be number one on their list, which will merge corporate power and Irish regime scum state power. The other characteristics of Fine Gael Fascism will no longer be abstract in Ireland, as the Fine Gael cause and effect become more evident under their regime.
So what can be done about Ireland’s steady march towards Fine Gael Fascism ? What can be done to stop it" The Germans couldn’t stop it ! The Italians couldn’t stop it! The only country that seems to have stopped the merger of economic power with governmental power in its own country, was the French Republican Revolution. The vulnerability of consolidated economic power is that it is in the hands of just a few. Stop ! the money supply to the few and the fascist corporate regime becomes undone. The French took out their wealthy aristocracy, systematically one by one. Those republican ideas were taken to Ireland by Wolfe Tone. Real Irish republicanism is the one doctrine that the fascist media of censors and the privileged few are truly scared of. That is why they are censored, get a bad press, sanitized, imprisoned or filtered ! Many people too are scared of a twenty-first century French Revolution in Ireland but the alternative of an Irish twenty-first century of Fine Gael Fascist state is far, far scarier.
He who pays the piper calls the tune and with a corporate owned fascist media currently in Ireland, along with a mostly compromised judiciary, there are no checks on the evolving corporate fascist state. Left un-regulated, unchecked, the huge economic power of banksters and corporations in Ireland, has corrupted Irish culture and state, absolutely. Most of the checks are gone ! We are left with the only option -- revolution. The forthcoming election is a deMOCKERYcy, not a democracy. The corporate fascist press are bankrolled by Fine Gael who are already rolling in hidden off-shore slush funds of corporate, bankster money. The real republican opposition on the otherhand is either totally censored, imprisoned or assassinated.
The most powerful forces in Europe, which organised previous Fascist and Nazi parties and movements, along with British agents hijacked the Irish media, using all of it including Indiemedia ireland as fascist agents.These forces have worked for some time now, with native fascist forces of the Irish Blue Shirts, in conjunction with the major media chains.These fascist forces in the Irish media are daily faking news for their agenda, distracting the population with dis-information, astroturfing, fake campaigns that are really attacks on Irish labour and social justice in Ireland.
The Banksters and Corporate fascists, will be profiteering from an old wine in new bottles, of indentured Irish slavery under Fine Gael to the corporations and the banksters.The old Anglo-Irish establishment party of Fine Gael will carry out the fascist dictats of the old Anglo-Irish gentry, who still own Ireland with the help fo British agents also embedded in the Irish media. Please go to link for further details