by Google and Firefox
butchers, and others have teamed up with billionaire Sergey Brin's Google and Firefox
to block the English forum of Pravda

done with some Indymedia sites, including UK's.
The site in order to generate revenue recently started running Google ads.
Google is the site which in the 2004 US presidential campaign designed its
algorithms so that every time John Kerry's name was mentioned, 19 Bush supporting
Kerry attack sites were generated for every 1 Kerry site.
Google is currently giving premier placement to veal and sable ads, and frequently
hides peace, abolition, environment, animal rights and other sites.
Google Earth is actively working with the CIA in Afghanistan. Indeed ever since
Sergey Brin used publicly funded data at Stanford and half the band width of the
university to start up Google, it has cooperated with the CIA, NSA, and other
government agencies in promotion of illegal wars.
It is paradoxical that Google is making money off of ads it runs on Pravda
(for warmongers like Rupert Murdoch employee John Kasich e.g.)
while blocking the site. Google claims that infected spyware is on the site.
If so, it may very well have been put there by Google.
The Cornfield is a site of Pentagon and other US government employees
as well as vivisectors etc. which has several times hacked Pravda.
Pravda English forum members who have attacked the English forum they
stealthfully joined include
those with user ID's "Cascade", "Coastal", "Brod", "American Eagle", etc.
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