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Trillions of Animals Died in World War II

O Anna Niemus | 01.02.2010 18:55 | Animal Liberation | Anti-militarism | Health | Cambridge | Oxford

see below

Countless trillions of animals died in World War II, of atom bomb testing,
of bombing, starvation, abandonment. Animals were bulldozed by tanks, shot
by machine guns. Zoos were intentionally bombed.
Family dairy cows were rounded up, butchered, and eaten. Animals
were victims of torture in military labs.

They were the devoured, the blinded, the maimed,
the dis-armed, the trampled, the lamed
They died freezing, blown apart, drowned, unfamed,
these helpless victims, silent and unnamed

O Anna Niemus


Display the following 3 comments

  1. 'nuff said — And?
  2. not news — vegan AR
  3. 'nuff said — Human Rights Activist
