Da aber die United States of Torture noch nie ein Rechtsstaat waren und mit Barack Obama nur ein weiterer verlogener Halunke des Establishments den Chefsessel erklommen hat, werden Dick Cheney und seine persönliche Mörderbande natürlich nicht vor Gericht gestellt. Im Gegenteil, Stanley McChrystal, der von 2003 bis 2008 Chef der persönlichen Mörderbande unter dem Befehl von Dick Cheney war, wurde von Barack Obama zum Oberbefehlshaber in Afghanistan befördert. Im Klartext: Dick Cheneys Todesschwadrone morden jetzt für Barack Obama. Killerkommandos wie Task Force 88, Task Force 121, Special Activities Division morden unter Barack Obama weiter wie gehabt. Und um auch dem Letzten seiner Wähler zu beweisen, dass er ihn mit seinen Versprechen grob verarscht hat, hat Barack Obama zudem hochfeierlich sein Versprechen für null und nichtig erklärt, die von George Bush eingeführten Sondertribunale im Konzentrationslager Guantanamo Bay abzuschaffen. Da die Beschuldigten in einem ordentlichen Verfahren nur auf Black Propaganda gestützt möglicherweise nicht verurteilt werden könnten, ohne dass die US-Justiz sich gründlich lächerlich macht, und sich der ganze Krieg gegen den Terror dann als Lüge herauszustellen droht, hat Barack Obama angekündigt, genau wie Massenmörder George W. Bush auf ordentliche Gerichtsverfahren zu verzichten.
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Kommentare zum Beitrag “Cheneys Todesschwadrone dienen nun Obama”
1. Europnews » Blog Archiv » USA: Alles wie gehabt sprach am 17. Mai 2009
[…] aber dann nannte er doch ein paar Länder: Jemen, Peru, Kolombien, Eritrea, Madagaskar und Kenia. Artikel komplett lesen Bookmark […]
2. » U.S.A oder richtiger U.S.T. – United Sta … Nachtwächter-Blah sprach am 17. Mai 2009 um 9:00h
[…] oder richtiger U.S.T. – United States of Torture. […]
3. » U.S.A oder richtiger U.S.T. – United Sta … Nachtwächter-Blah sprach am 17. Mai 2009 um 9:00h
[…] oder richtiger U.S.T. – United States of Torture. […]
4. Hartmut Pilch sprach am 17. Mai 2009 um 11:49h
Wer den Wahlkampf letztes Jahr beobachtete, konnte wissen, dass man von Obama nur diskrete Kurskorrekturen erwarten konnte. Andernfalls wäre er auch nicht gewählt worden.
Obwohl Barack Obama in seinem Wahlkampf George W. Bush dafür kritisierte, für das Regime unangenehme Prozesse mit dem sogenannten “State Secrets Privilege” abzublocken, lässt Barack Obama nun auch seine Staatsanwälte ausgiebig von den angeblich dem Schutz von Staatsgeheimnissen dienenden Regleungen Gebrauch machen. Gestern hat Marc Ambinder ein wachsweiches Statement von Barack Obama dazu veröffentlicht.

"I think some of these folks would put nuclear tips on ice cream cones if they could."
U.S. Representative Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.) on efforts by Bush Administration officials to repeal a research ban on low-yield nuclear weapons. Global Security Newswire 'Quote of the Day' May 19, 2003 By Leuren Morat ...
UC AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS: THE KISS OF DEATH The top-secret Manhattan Project was laid out by Robert Oppenheimer the night Ernest Lawrence took him to the Bohemian Club during WW II. It was a part of California's brutal rise to economic and political power, described in IMPERIAL SAN FRANCISCO: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin. In 1939, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr had argued that building an atomic bomb "can never be done unless you turn the United States into one huge factory." Years later, he told his colleague Edward Teller, "I told you it couldn't be done without turning the whole country into a factory. You have done just that." That was after Edward Teller had stuck the knife in Oppenheimer's back, and pulled his clearance. Teller (also known as 'Dr. Strangelove'), went on to promote a grandiose US nuclear weapons program for decades at the nuclear weapons labs: Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos. The program remained under a no-bid University of California management contract for 61 years. In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, facilitated by 5 Admirals, the management contract will be transferred next year to the University of Texas where the military and the Carlyle Group will have control. A new 'ramping up' of the nuclear weapons program is underway, with program funding at the highest level ever - even higher than during the Cold War - extending nuclear weapons into outer space, into the very atmosphere that makes life on earth possible, and with no "real" enemy in site.
ESTIMATING THE COLD WAR MORTGAGE: In 1995 dollars, according to the Department of Energy (DOE) the US spent approximately 300 billion dollars on nuclear weapons research, production, and testing. Today in the nuclear weapons complex there are 10,500 contaminated sites, 2.3 million acres under DOE ownership, and 120 million square feet of buildings. The 1995 high base cost, estimated by the DOE Environmental Management program, to clean up the environmental legacy is $350 billion. That excludes the Nevada Test Site, Hanford, the Savannah and Clinch rivers, and the Columbia river which are considered to be "national sacrifice zones" because the technology does not exist to clean them up. ..... deepblacklies: Bringing in-depth reporting of crime and corruption in high places ...

Task Force 121: classic example of the United States' 'Joint Task Force' concept of conducting special operations. It is organized in a manner similar to Task Force Ranger, which was used during the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 - Delta Force personnel or other Special Operations Forces supported by high quality light infantry, usually men from the 75th Ranger Regiment.
TF121 is a multiservice force commanded by an Air Force Brigadier General - Brig. Gen. Gregory L. Trebon. The spearhead of the force is a forty-man team made up of operators from Delta Force, DEVGRU (a.k.a. SEAL Team Six), Army Rangers, and the CIA's Special Activities Division. Other Special Operations contributions will include Air Force Combat Controllers, Air Force Pararescue and Special Operations aircraft. On occasions, operators from Coalition nations (particularly British and Australian SAS, Norwegian Marinejeger and Polish GROM operators) augment the TF121 and provide direct and indirect operational assistance. .......
Special Operations Forces (SOF) is a term primarily used in the West. It is an “all encompassing” term that defines a nation’s specialized units. The term “Special Forces” is age old and used by countries around the world to describe their specialized unit(s). The United States, however, reserves the term “Special Forces” primarily for its Army special operations unit that specializes in unconventional warfare (UW)/Foreign Internal Defense FID) (commonly referred to as the “Black Berets”) ....

Joint Special Operations Command .... The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is a component command of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques to ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct special operations exercises and training, and develop Joint Special Operations Tactics. It was established on December 15, 1980, in the aftermath of the failure of Operation Eagle Claw, the unsuccessful attempt to rescue the 53 hostages from the American embassy in Tehran, Iran.[1] It is located at Pope Air Force Base and Fort Bragg in North Carolina, USA.