schizophrenia with water fasts and vegetarian diet. When people
returned to meat diets, their schiophrenia symptoms returned.
reported in the book Spiritual Nutrition
Turkish researchers found that pathogens of toxoplasma gondii,
a disease of undercooked meat, were found more in schizophrenics
than in the general population.
The adrenal poisons secreted by terrorized animals before and during slaughter
saturate their flesh. These biochemical forms of terror, fright and anger
remain in the flesh. Only some of the links in the protein enzyme
are broken down.
Linus Pauling, only person to win 2 Nobel prizes*, one for peace and one for
biochemistry, did much research on vitamin C, the toxin bouncer of the body
which also speeds the flow of the brain's nerve signals across synapses.
Vitamin C is in uncooked fruits but in no animal product. Vitamin C is
associated with feelings of well being.
The animal fat and amyloid plaque, an animal protein metabolism toxin,
both line the cerebral arteries, limiting the flow of blood to the brain.
One of many factors in depression is excess weight.
In isocaloric studies by Mervyn Hardinge MD, it was found that after 3 months
with each subject receiving the same calories daily, vegans weighed 23 lbs
less than nonvegetarians and 11 lbs less than dairy vegetarians while
fruitarians outside the study weighed the least.
*Nobel has enabled the torture of animals by giving awards to many vivisectors.
Pauling was not a vivisector.
Manic Depression
Wide swings from mania to depression are prevented by fresh fruit whose polysaccharides,
disaccharides, and monosaccharides break down at different times, giving
even energy flow.
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