With Queensland Premier Anna Bligh announcing a snap election on 23 February to be held on 24 March, it seems that this is not a good and convenient time for her to respond to my long standing allegations of judicial corruption involving Anti Discrimination Tribunal Judge Robert Wensley QC, who is the brother of the current Queensland Governor, Dr Penelope Wensley and three (3) other Queensland Judges.
The other Judges involved are the Queensland Anti Discrimination Tribunal President, Jean Dalton QC, Supreme Court Judge Ann Lyons and Supreme Court Judge Roslyn Atkinson who is also Queensland President of the International Committee of Jurists, whose head quarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. It is also very disappointing for us that the Australian ICJ head office also did nothing. And Geneva said that they had insufficient resources.
I will probably never receive a response from Governor Penelope Wensley now as an early election has been announced despite the fact that Premier Bligh has repeatedly reiterated she would go full term. This seems to me to be a convenient and easy way out for a Governor who wants to hear nothing, see nothing and do absolutely nothing for the people and for democracy.
This Governor sadly only supports medieval feudalism, fascism and the status quo. The taxpayer forks out around $ 4 million every year to keep this unacceptable and unaccountable institution but Australians have no say in any of these matters as we are still being denied the right to political self determination. More on this in the following article Governor Penelope Wensley carries on as usual

The surprise announcement of a snap election comes only days after I emailed Dr Wensley on 9 February and drew her attention to the fact that I was not satisfied with the government cover-up in relation to my complaint about judicial corruption involving her brother and others.
The problem is there never has been a good time for her and her Labour team to respond to my allegations of judicial abuse and corruption and to request electoral representation as a constituent and Australian citizen since I first raised these allegations to the previous Labour government led by Peter Beattie.
The persistent silence and dogmatic refusal to respond and publicly acknowledge and comment on my allegations speaks for itself.
Otherwise I would long have been charged and arrested on some pretext, because unlawfully jailing people for contempt of court is a quirky and favoured medieval Anglo-Saxon eccentricity practised to this day in the Australian legal system which refuses to change with the times.
I have been stalked by Australia’s secret police for a long time now and I have no doubt that this is to intimidate me and to let me know that I am under surveillance simply because I have dared to make legitimate, documented and corroborated complaints against the government.
It is strange that I received a response to my plea for help from US Senator Edward Kennedy from Boston, Massachusetts within a few days to my email to him. This was even followed up with a personal airmail letter to my home address here in Australia, despite the fact that I am not an American citizen.
The idea to write to him came to me after reading about the plight of the McCartney sisters from Belfast, Ireland and their quest to find their brother, Robert McCartney's murderers which led them to Washington and a meeting with Senator Edward Kennedy some years ago.
I am grateful to Mr Kennedy for bothering to respond to my plea for help but aggrieved that a foreign Senator would bother to try and help me whereas my very own Prime Minister won’t even acknowledge our existence and our human rights to an effective remedy under the rule of law and the legally binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976) signed by Australia in 1976, some 33 years ago.
I conclude that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Commonwealth Attorney General Robert McClelland’s stance is completely untenable, indefensible, and simply outrageous.
Further Mr Rudd is a self confessed practising Christian and I would like to take this opportunity to remind him that being religious also brings certain obligations with it.
It also means acting with honesty, integrity and compassion and thinking of others once in a while and ultimately doing what is right, even when that may embarrass friends and colleagues or people guilty of criminal activity. They both also need reminding of their public oath to serve the Australian people.
Actions speak a thousand words. It is high time to address these issues and to restore public confidence in the Queensland Justice system.
This state of lawlessness and indifference cannot be allowed to continue.
I also cannot over emphasise my deep disappointment in our Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II of Australia, who is herself a mother and grandmother for refusing to assist my son in any way.
Particularly as she has often been quoted as having a deep sense of religious and civic duty and also that she takes her coronation oath seriously!
Does being a country’s Head of State not also bring with it certain obligations as well as the considerable privilege she enjoys as a revered Australian Monarch and Head of State?
Last but not least I would like to bring to your attention a very important report by Transparency International. Here is an excerpt of this report.
Judicial Corruption Corrodes Rule of Law
May 24, 2007
LONDON — Corruption is undermining judicial systems around the world, denying citizens access to justice and the basic human right to a fair and impartial trial, sometimes even to a trial at all, according to the Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption in Judicial Systems, issued today by Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption.
Equal treatment before the law is a pillar of democratic societies. When courts are corrupted by greed or political expediency, the scales of justice are tipped, and ordinary people suffer, said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International. Judicial corruption means the voice of the innocent goes unheard, while the guilty act with impunity.
Full article available from

Wide distribution of my article would be very much appreciated particularly as our complaint is subject to undue censorship and is being suppressed by the government controlled media in Australia.
Sadly we don’t have a journalist like the outspoken American Helen Thomas in Australia. She is a legend and her moving interview on Enough Rope with Andrew Denton touched many Australians.
Unfortunately no one has wanted to raise the issues of judicial corruption and lawlessness in Queensland on our behalf.
I am therefore very grateful to the foreign press who has not ignored our plight and our true story.
Perhaps someone will even come forward and ask our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during his upcoming US visit to President Obama why he has ignored the judicial corruption complaints in his home state and the rule of law for so long.
Please write to your parliamentary representative and tell them what you think – contact link for State MP

Thank you.
Jennifer Nash
Brisbane, Australia