President Harding and bad milk offed President Taylor
McKinley was shot on Sept 6 2001 and was recovering in 2 days,
but gangrene from the bullet's path through nonvegetarian
intestines was the final cause of death.

When George Wallace
American candidate for president shot by a hit man employed
by war profiteers, was hit, he had, said a national news magazine,
just eaten a hamburger, and the bullet trailed an ecoli (colon
bacteria) path through his body resulting in acute peritonitis.
Now sodium nitrate and other red food colorings in meat
color and cover the gray of rot, white worms, yellow infection
fluid, the black of congealed darkened blood, the green of gangrene etc.. Sodium nitrate combined
with animal protein creates in the stomach carcinogenic
(KFC Canada has begun to sell unchicken, an alternative
to meat. KFC US has not. KFC Canada has agreed to
less brutal slaughterhouse methods. KFC US has not.)

Harding sought refuge from Washington during a cross-country speaking tour culminating in Alaska. When his ship ran afoul of a minor accident, the beleaguered president said, "I hope the ship sinks." Harding's wish was granted in a sense when later during the trip he ate a batch of bad crabs and died of ptomaine poisoning.
President Garfield died 2 months after he was shot, not from
the bullet, but the blood poisoning which resulted from
the contamination of the body as the intestines were ripped
open by a bullet traveling though his nonvegetarian bowels.
Bad milk
killed President Zachary Taylor, a Southern slaveholder

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