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CIA's Creation Of Mass Graves In Kosovo, Bush Sr. Never Elected Either

CIA's Role In Creation Of Mass Graves In Kosovo | 24.07.2008 12:57 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | Cambridge | London

Bush Senior Never Elected Either
CIA Role in Kosovo Mass Graves
William Clinton's Role in Destroying Last Socialist
Army in Europe


The world knows that George W Bush was never elected to
the White House, but there is less attention to the truth
that his father was never elected either.

Dukakis was 17 points ahead in the polls. Historians have focused
on Roger Ailes' racist Willie Horton ads as part of the Bush campaign
and the neocon media's repetitive play of Dukakis in a helmet,
as they repetitively played the Howard Dean exulting yell.

But the media has not focused on the thousands of categories of vote
fraud by which G H W Bush stole his unelected post in the White House
in 1988.

Even now Richard Shelby remains in the Senate, elected
as a Democrat in Alabama, coached by the neocons to switch
immediately to the Republican Party as he showed contempt
for his state's electorate.


As 21 members of the CIA are tried in absentia in Italy for kidnapping
and torturing which took place on Italian ground,
as the world focuses on this regime as a torture state (Michael
Chertoff as a judge on the 3rd Circuit Court helped to create
the Potemkin Village legal lies to justify torture),
it is interesting to examine the CIA role in what happens when
its black ops torturers become serial killers on an individual basis (morally equal to their roles in the CIA but quantitatively less reprehensible).
The CIA does not share with local police, the Senate, House or the FBI information
which would lead to the apprehension of such killers, who, taught
to color outside the lines, spread their crimson wake domestically.


NATO in Europe sought to destroy the last standing socialist army
in Eastern Europe, that of Serbia.

As part of that plan, the CIA had black ops recruited to torture
and kill, create mass graves, and then blame this on the Serbian government.

As part of that plan, William Clinton bombed Serbian civilians.

Is the CIA, which murdered 16,000 civilians in Operation
Phoenix in Vietnam, which operates secret torture jails
in Poland and elsewhere, which as Murder Inc tried to
assassinate elected officials Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez
hundreds of times... capable of creating mass graves and
blaming them on the Serbian government?


The regime might have tents
for the big bank evicted
... as the unelected head of
"Homeland Security"
provides no homes' security
but continues to violate many of
the Ten Commandments' tenets.

CIA's Role In Creation Of Mass Graves In Kosovo


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i wondered how long it would take

24.07.2008 13:48

The serb army you are refering to were as socialist as the SS. They were rabid nationalists who indulged in genocide and other war crimes.

Get a grip you foolish trots, defending anyone that might have once been a socialist is pathetic. See previous discussions on mugabe, another oragon of socialist values.


yet agian...

24.07.2008 15:56

another spurrious, rediculus embarassing rant on Indymedia! boring boring the above post states..GET A GRIP!!!...ah, and a job may help!


Perhaps you could start a Serbian Indymedia.

24.07.2008 18:00

Odd it might seem that Serbia is out there in non-(((i))) land along with Zimbabwe and Burma/Myanmar. But it is. You could rectify that by collating all the incidents of election disputes in US presidential history. I'll help you along because not only am I an expert in more fields than a doctored duke but I relish any opportunity to show off.

There have been less than 12 US presidential elections which were without serious disputed votes, allegations of voter fraud and court litigations. Some suggest & have gone further by writing books on the subject that the idea of allowing so many people to vote might be at fault. Others more tame in the pursuit of that kicking high which is the knowledge that someone somewhere has bought your published rant and put on in a shelf have limited themselves to merely criticise the US Electoral College vote system.

let us know how you get on.
or maybe not judging by the tone of the last commentators who gave up valuable work hours to sling some churlish scorn your way.

gurggle ribbid
