John McDonnell stoop for leader of the labour party last year but was denied the opportunity to stand.
He has tirelessly worked to campaign on numerous issues of social and environmental justice, and is chair of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign.
"Socialism of the 21st Century" as propagated by Chavez and the Bolivarian revolution has become a buzz phrase of the century.
Come and hear John speak about what this means to him, and participate in what will no doubt be a lively discussion.
All welcome! FREE ENTRY
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date, venue, time?
11.03.2008 14:24
Thursday 13th March, Birkbeck College, 8.15pm
11.03.2008 14:43
8:15pm - 9:30pm
Room B34, Birkbeck College
Malet St, WC1E 7HX
John McDonnell stoop for leader
11.03.2008 14:56