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news block help needed

Feeler | 20.10.2005 16:58 | Indymedia | Repression | Cambridge | London

Larmee of Cambridge.
Someone in Oxford has taken against my posting. It was removed and hidden. A message went up after a lot of comments by others to say that it could be reinstated if I email Oxford indymedia. People have been asking for it to be reinstated but these postings have been removed without explanation. (Nasty comments have been left up). What is going on?

Please can you help our free press here.
The posting came out of 'Art of War:Katrina'

Here are some of the postings which have not been removed.

now you see it now you dont
19.10.2005 13:59

I have had to put my comment here as the posting I wanted to comment on has gone.

I see your point Oxford Feeler.

I saw your posting and made a comment only 20 mins ago.

Then it dissapeared.

I went back to work, 5 mins later it came back (without my comment) now its gon again

Who is afraid and why?



19.10.2005 15:25

Is this in the wrong place?


yea, it is the wrong place
19.10.2005 17:31

... this is for comments on the story, not a random chat on postings on kak. Stay on topic or create your blog, but stop parasiting on the back of other people's postings. Oh, and why not read the IMC guidelines - it is quite obvious why these posts have been removed. Hint: THIS IS A FUCKING NEWS SITE, OKAY - NEWS. NEWS. NEWS. NEWS. NEWS. NEWS.

Can that be made any simpler, 'Mr Whine,-why-has-my-incomprehensible-personal-epiphany-been-removed?'

It is not censorship, it is doing the rest of a favour, and preserving IMC as a quality news site.

How about another big hint - INDYMEDIA IS NOT A BLOG OR A FREE-FOR-ALL. It has a purpose to serve, reporting news. If you want to report on your brainstorms then set up your own blog and stop abusing the good people of Indymedia. Respect to them.
Maggie Thatcher


useful story
19.10.2005 20:57


Your abusive comments are unnecessary. I assume from your aggressive ramblings that you did not see the original story.

I did see it and thought it was interesting and relevant to Oxford people especially those of us who struggle for social justice and human rights. It was no less a news story than many items posted, it perhaps tested peoples morals more than others.

IM is exactly the right place for such information. Thank you for your putting up the original story Feeler, whoever you are.

Radjul made some honest comments about IM before the story was pulled again. It would make a refreshing change if IM could be more open and honest and perhaps apologetic when they get things wrong.


