Monopoly zone
Finland – Finland protects against free trade and labour, commits juridical homicides and like to chaise millionaires.
In most important areas have been found monopoly agreements. F.x. in transport, road construction, house building, shipping and labour.
When everything is agreed on in beforehand, is every offer given unnecessary, because the result has been already agreed on.
Legal system is corrupted and labour union leaders are using prostitutes. Police and legal representatives are committing deliberate false judgments, so the lawyers serving both the State and their company become rich on businessmen’s cost. No one interferes to their doings or life.
Salaries are agreed between labour unions, people are blacklisted and due to lack in competition prices are high in labour cost, housing and so on.
A blue-collar get more money, than private businessman because businessman is honest and hasn’t got labour union behind him/her. A good example is a stevedore, who makes 50k EUR annually just packing and unpacking ships, or layers who get paid minimum 140EUR per an hour – both practically supporting communist ideology and socialism. In USA lawyers are ready to make deals on cases – in Finland they are ready only to get their listed sum out from the socialist government when they loose businessman’s property at court.
Millionaires are being beaten in prison and their property taken away by the same judges and police committing crimes against humanity. We are not talking about one single case. Lawyers and police that could be even eliminated according to your law, are kept loose and Russia feels both attracted to and amused of this.
Businessmen get jailed for six months for the same a blue-collar gets a ticket. Communists and socialists are always welcome to sit in a jury, when judgments are made against businessmen. When a jury having commies and a mentally ill judge pulls a court session everyone know the end result in beforehand.
Newspapers are filled with Helsinki District Court and Helsinki Prosecuting Authority crimes; cases were prosecutor have been playing with those being prosecuted – as lawyer humanists usually do. There are already several cases, where prosecutor has been insulting (ie. committed slander) the accused as well as the judge. These people were never punished for their actions. Court and Legal handling and proceedings are always quite formal, if opponents are professionals. In Finland this is not the case. In many cases women judges and lawyers are the problem causer, since sinners or politically oriented rarely think their morality or ethics. It is also a proved fact (United Kingdom, military research), that woman can not serve or make decisions under these circumstance. There Finnish Government Women are like spoiled family curling – causes much nothing except problems.
Our Chancellor of Justice is a common joke; we are not sure which rotten first, the cases send to him or himself as sitting on top of them. Chancellor of Justice have not understood him role in this society, which should be taking a direct action against government criminal police and lawyers. In stead he is protecting his socialist friends sitting as government officials.
Our Universities were formed by Russians, so the education is based on Leninism these days. There are few private educational institutions, where businessmen send their students (like where I came from, Atk-instituutti). Unfortunately during the last few years has government collected these private institutions and altered their educational aims to serve socialism, like the on I am completing some further studies at the moment (Helsinki University of Applies Science) – used to were one of the best private engineering faculty, and I think it should be saved.
Finnish Universities supporting Russian ideology produces mentally ill ideas and odd students, which usually serve in government. As you may be aware of, we need to have Higher University Education to work in most government positions. So, Russia friendly get selected automatically.
Government officials have time to exam small business using unnecessary police hearings, while large frauds become old. Small Businessmen are chased, while a socialist and a communist walks free on the street and are allowed to commit black market work.
Some of our businessmen are using three out of six working days just having a correspondence to government officials. This nation in simply filled with mentally ill government officials, who no one misses, if they never return from their quatral trip to abroad. In case you ever meet some person working for the government as a lawyer or police… we do not need him/her.
We so not have open media, were people could say openly what they think about things. Our Independent Media was closed, since it was run by either a socialist or a commie, all articles published were red ideology based, he possibly could not do the payments and our law was changed in a way that every article published need to proofed by the main editor. In short; this nation controls mass media and tell them what news to broadcast.
Our government lawyers and members of police force have committed property frauds together with more severe law violations. There people have been protected by our government prosecutors, Chancellor of Justice and our end Police Ministry (ie. Ministry of Interior). According to our Legal Code, Code of Juridical Procedure, Article 1 section 12; judge is obligated to make a correct judgement and correct a false one, if due to his lack skills or understanding or wickedness. Judge is obligated to pay all compensations related to this act, and if human life lost due to judges actions, the it is entitled to take judge’s life away. This clause also means indirect protection of one’s rights against those serving law enforcement based on false judgement. Case evidences are high enough to show, that a commie or a socialist do not listen, but carries on until eventually stopped by force. The only way how to make property frauds committed by socialists or commies to end is eliminating these people, else they carry on and do not listen. This is why I do not accept communism or socialism, our end government police force or lawyers. I have not seen my life effort so someone could come and say “Hey, starting from this moment all this is mine”, as Finnish Government reps have done to most Finnish Small and Middle Size Businessmen.
Finnish Police and Security Police use traps to make people’s life much harder. If you do not accept government criminal participant, then you are black-listed, and government or socialist friendly corporations do not hire you not use your services.
In case you are looking for an investment, then I think our should think about our first capitalist, Algot Niskanen – a famous spirit smuggler, who might shown some direction to make money by selling something people needed, but law makers did not want to people have. These days these are non test shot guns to Finnish Businessmen sold “at international waters”. The only thing our double crossed businessmen need is firepower of field to beat socialists. Unfortunately our police are using automatics (usually 9mm Glock), and businessmen do not want to loose. Those armed are favouring socialism and have made agreements with them. One has to bear in mind, that you can not carry guns in cities, so they have to be small (eg. Glock 18, Ruger MP-9), but at the same time big enough (eg. Heckler & Koch HK MP5-K/KA5 or HK MP5-K/KA4, Beretta PM 128S). Making a flight above Finland and dropping the load (ie. emptying the airplane toilet) is not forbidden – is it? Watch the ground radars (G2A) - we do not want them to get dirt, do we.
Those having risen have agreed their position, but not the best in the field, meaning customer being served the second best or worse.
Media articles and news have socialist tone in them and people enjoy serving ‘the socialist state’.
I am asking USA Businessmen to use only those businessmen, who are ready to take an oath, or are on oath against socialism and communism (together with fascism).
In case you need a Business Piccolo or any other service, then I am ready and willing to help you in protecting your interests on Finland’s soil. However, I do not help anyone not on oath against previously told issues. I know how our government gathers electronic information, so there is not going to be non crypt business related information either. - For a proper sum I even get you your embassy situation, thus we do not need them. This is pure business.
Give a copy to your boss and see what he likes Finland or someone ruining private property. After all, he pays your pay-check and you do not want it come to end because of socialism?
In God we Trust.
Åke Tyvi
datanomi, adult IT-engineering Student
puh/tel. +358.(0)44.0603.639
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