Monarchial Suppressive Rule Opposes the Whole Meaning of Human Dignity & Liberty.
With every single thread of its old and weak being the Monarch tightens its grip on power, to the point of visibly sucking the very blood & wealth out of the nations wounds.
This parasitic relationship will no longer stand in equilibrium, when the out-dated monarch becomes impotent and incapable of providing slightest benefit. And there will come a time when it only holds back, and slows down the very growth of a nation affecting its health and vitality.
In one glance it becomes evident that the equilibrium is long gone. The new generations in search of a new individual expression in life & political paths find themselves very much limited by Monarchial grip on the power. It is suffocating to any change.
It is exactly this lowest point in nation’s history, which is also the key turning point in the political scenes. It is also the best chance for success of popular movements without a complete civil unrest or war.
Here is your chance Britain, join humanity in popular movements for liberty and political freedom and advancement. Or next generations will have a much more difficult path to overcome the obstacles to their freedom.