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IMC Cambridge film screening: Brukman, Argentina

IMC Cambridge | 19.02.2004 20:17 | Cambridge

Cambridge Indymedia invites you to another film screening on Sunday 22 February, when we will be showing a series of short films from Argentina about the struggles at the Brukman textile factory. We are lucky enough to have one of the filmmakers available to answer questions after the screening.

"Control Obrero" - "La Fabrica Es Nuestra" - "Obreras Sin Patron"

Since December 2001, the Brukman textile factory in Argentina has
been the focus of confrontation between a strong workers'
movement and the forces of capital. Following attempts to close the
factory, it was occupied by the workers and production continued in
the face of an increasingly violent response from their former
bosses, backed by government forces. This series of short films
follows the turbulent fortunes of this revolution.

Where: The Locomotive (back room), 44 Mill Road, Cambridge
When: 7.30pm, Sunday 22 February.

IMC Cambridge
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