EU: governance, social control, capitalist agent
We see Dublin as an important step to galvenise the movements against capitalist globalisation, against the permenant global war of capital and state institutions on the working class, unemployed and peasants. The EU is the main agent for the social fascism that is presented on the exploited of europe. Europe Union means the increase of state terrorism, the assualt of on the victories of past struggles and dead-end for humanity. It cannot be reformed it must be destroyed from the bottom up.
Our resistance as global as capital
From Nice, Brussels, Barcelona, Gothenberg, Thessaloniki and Rome, the
resistance can not replicate the pass but create a future and new forms of resistance to the expansion of capitalist social relations and state interfence in our lives.We send this call to all those who think that the struggle we can produce can become the basis of a new free planet earth, a planet earth with no prisons, with no bosses, no social control, no nations and no exploited labour. This is the vision from all the corners of the world, from the shouts of rebellion in the hills of southern mexico, from the streets of Argentina, from the landless, the alienated, the bored multitudes who want something more than the nightmare reality of capitalism.
Total Resistance
If we are not in control of what we produce we can be in control of what we reproduce. Lets come together and create a total resistance against the de-humanism nothingness of capitalist society. Lets go to Dublin on Mayday!
Saturday February 28th, 12noon
- We start with a social lunch!
- Then with discussions about the EU
Occupied Social Centre
93 Fortess Road
Kentish Town
London NW1 1AG
We would like to help anyone from around the country with travel expenses. If
you want to come but can't afford it email us and we see
what we can do. There is sleeping spaces and food will be by donation.
A second email will be sent out nearer the time with a more concrete agenda.
anarchists and anti-authoritarians from wombles