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Why Wolvo is one of the most wanted and hot brands?

Why Wolvo is one of the most wanted and hot brands? | 05.09.2003 00:21 | Analysis | Cambridge | Liverpool

Causerie about some things car industry may face.



Mr President (George), this is just between You and me, and those people, who told me about these things during the last few years on my way to international court.

I am trying to explain to you Sir, why Wolwo is such a popular brand here North, that everyone would like to have or own a Wolwo. I really can not expose this brand's true label for two reasons; first of all I might boos their sale without getting my commission out of it, and secondly because some of these people might have really believe to those things they might had signed.

All these stories are said to be true, since they are based on people having worked or having said they have for Wolwo in Sweden, but there is no way of telling if they have lied. All these little stories I have heard either by change or accidentally, like last time, when I simply started to have a small-talk with the person next to me, while I was attending to my Swedish lectures. It must had been coincidence, but he told me, that he had worked for Wolwo like the rest of those people I met... but let us start from the begin.

One of the first stories I heard about Wolwo's popularity were at the time I was working in one of the main Finnish paper mills. One of me work mates told me (accidentally), that he had worked for Wolwo. After this he stated to tell me about this car's popularity. In fact, he told me, that this particular brand is so popular, that one day some factory blue collar tried to by pass the security guard at the gate with his excavator. Everything might had gone well, but for some reason the gate's security guard paid attention to the up lifted scoop. You see Sir, normally they do not drive around with a lifted scoop, nor do they try to by pass the gate with a raised scoop. So, the guard asked the person to lower the scoop, so he could see what was inside it. And what did he found? A brand new, installation ready Wolwo engine! I told You Sir - Wolwo is popular brand...

During this weeks Swedish lectures I head few new ones too; during a rainy day, the gate's security guard sees a man, who is wearing a steady newspaper on top of his head. Guard is not impressed of his 'intend' not to get wet, because the newspaper is 180 flat sheet, so he asks to hand over the newspaper. And what does he found from the day's paper. Yep, a true brand new Wolwo steering wheel! It is no wonder Sir, how these Wolvo fanatics try to keep the rain away... but I will tell you one thing Sir, Wolwo is a popular brand, and everyone would like to have their piece of an art!

But this not end of it, oh no Sir, this person might had told me, that someone simply drove a lorry into the factory area during a heady show fall. So, people naturally imagined they were for removing the snow, when a fully loaded truck approached the factory gate. But what did a white collar saw from the second floor window, when a lorry with a full snow load had to brake easily in the factory area? Under the snow he saw some paint. And what did the security guard found again? Well, this time he was lucky enough to find the whole car cover into snow. I warned You Sir, Wolvo is so popular and a hot brand too, that some people are desperate to get their vehicle strait from the factory!

Last story is about a man, who visited his car a bit too many times inside the factory area. So off the guard goes again, and asks the vehicle owner to open the trunk. And what does the guard see? An old Wolvo engine. As suspicious as he is, does he go in front of the vehicle and ask the owner to open the hood. Yes, there it is; a brand new just installed Wolvo engine ready to run. Sir, I warned You, this brand is so popular, that most parts are literally like to be taken away before they can reach the local dealer!

However, good thing for the paying consumers is the fact, that they will receive their product. Thanks' to the security guard, who is more or less like to be the only person, who ever may have had his car from Wolvo free. And in case of any doubts or this causerie, I am ready to face the consequence and accept a Wolvo too.

God Bless The USA.

Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student

Ps. Yes, but I have not ever visited in Detroit. And I really do hope they have found the safe in UK.

Why Wolvo is one of the most wanted and hot brands?
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05.09.2003 07:53

Errata: Sorry about the typos. It was 3 a.m. and it is a draft. Are -> is.

Ake Tyvi
