The West Midlands Vegan Festival keeps on getting bigger and better! Every year there are more stalls and more new attractions and every year more people flood through the doors of the Wolves Civic!!
This year's mega vegan extravaganza takes place on Saturday 26th October. It's the 6th year of the event. Stallholders, attractions and visitors will spread out throughout the entire venue and beyond, with this year's event including outdoor stalls for the first time! And that's not all, the event will be open an extra hour in the morning, from 10am - 6pm. So that's lots more space and more time to celebrate and promote compassionate, eco-friendly, healthy living!
You can expect to find over 100 stalls, the best vegan caterers from across the UK, mouth-watering cookery demos all day, 20 inspiring talks, live entertainment from start to finish, an award-winning organic vegan bar, competitions, alternative therapy, mother & baby yoga, kids activities, free goodie bags for the first 200 visitors and so much more!!
Please help to promote the festival online!
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Thanks To Our Sponsors!
We are extremely grateful to the following companies for sponsoring the festival. Without their support, this event would not be taking place.
Moo Free Chocolates -

Fry's Vegetarian -

Ethical Wares -

Yaoh -

Wills Vegan Shoes -

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