According to Tommy the EDL were…..
“protesting after six Birmingham men were jailed last month after admitting to a plot to attack an EDL rally in Dewsbury, Yorkshire”.
So let’s be clear…. They used to complain because (they claimed) the law didn’t prosecute Muslims. Today they’re protesting because the law DID prosecute some Muslims!

EDL leader Tommy Robinson said:
“We need to reinstall these cameras to keep people safe….. To be honest if the police agreed to reinstall them, we wouldn’t even have come to Birmingham.”
If the EDL’s new policy of fighting crime by acting criminally themselves (criminal damage, public disorder, affray, assault with weapons, mosque burning) confuses you don’t worry. It clearly confuses them too……
Claire from Redditch (2) clearly hasn’t a clue what she thinks is going on while some of her fellow marchers still seem to think it’s got something to do with race!
(2) Linked audio or

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